Wow. I just went back to see when I took Nikos out to a store for the first time, and it was November 13th, 2007-- making him about 3 weeks old. And it was a traumatic experience for me, since he cried almost the entire time and I was a basket case. Oh, how times have changed!
I remember feeling trapped when Nikos was born-- like I would never see the light of day again. It didn't help that it was late October and the days were getting shorter! This time around, Gus and I are both amazed at how easy a newborn is compared to a toddler. I mean, it's not like she's really on a schedule yet-- she just eats, sleeps, and poops all day. And as long as I'm nearby to provide the food source, it doesn't matter where we are-- she can do all three things without a problem. I think it helps that she caught on really quickly to the whole idea of nursing, and that she's an efficient little eater. But I digress... Gus and I have spent the past two days out and about with her, without a single problem! It's like a dream come true!
Yesterday, we spent several hours going to a jewelry store to exchange the diamond earrings that Gus bought me (yes, you read that right! woohoo!!!). He had wanted to get the biggest ones he could for the money, but they weren't all that clear or sparkly. I ended up getting slightly smaller ones that are beautiful-- much more sparkly. :) Plus, I wanted to get the screw-backs put on so that they don't fall off. So Maya came along for the ride, and snoozed most of the time.
Today, little Maya-bear had her first visit with the pediatrician since we were discharged. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces-- great news, since she was down to 7 pounds, 5 ounces at one point. She has another appointment next Friday, at which point I fully expect she will be back to her birth weight (7 pounds, 11 ounces). Otherwise, she is doing really well! She was bright and alert throughout the appointment, staring at the doctor with her big eyes and happily sucking on her pacifier. And yes, I am giving her a pacifier already, since she has already shown me that she rocks at breastfeeding. Hooray for an excellent sucking reflex! :)
And speaking of her eyes... We still have no idea what color they are. I think it is safe to say that they are lighter than Nikos', since his appeared to be dark brown after only a few days. Her eyes are still that weird bluish newborn color. I'm pretty sure that her hair color is the same as Nikos' (and mine!), but only time will tell. It's so exciting to see how these things unfold!
Anyway, I got off track there again (something I'm notorious for in the classroom, oops!). What I meant to say was that after her doctor's appointment, Maya and I went to the mall! I just wanted to go to one store to buy a particular nursing top, so that's what we did. She was an angel, as always. After that, I grabbed lunch at In-N-Out and then drove home. It's the little things like this that are making me feel so human this time-- I am not battling the "baby blues" at all (major change from last time). I feel like my life is still my life-- only better, now that our little family is complete! It's such a happy feeling! :)
Nikos, for his part, continues to be the adoring big brother. He loves "baby," and always wants to touch her head or say "hi" to her. It's been hard for me, since I can't lift him (due to the c-section), but Gus has been good about taking the baby and making sure I have one-on-one time with my boy. I just sit on the living room floor, snuggle with him, and play with whatever toys he brings over. I can see that he is capable of resenting his sister, but it seems to be under control at this point. And it's incredible to see him next to her-- it's like my baby became a little boy overnight. He's also decided to shun his naps completely for the past few days. I'm not sure if this is a result of all the big changes at home, or if he is just going through a phase, but I have a lot of sympathy for Bonnie (our daycare provider). He's been in a great mood all day, from what she tells us, but he is just bouncing off the walls with energy. I hope, for her sake, that he at least goes back to taking one nap a day (he was still taking two naps a day up until last week!). But, as always, only time will tell.
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