First... Maya had her two-week appointment last Friday, and weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds, 3 ounces. She had gained 11 ounces in one short week, and 14 ounces in a week and a half (since leaving the hospital). Way to grow, baby girl! It's strange to think that she is still lighter than Nikos was when he was born, but she is growing wonderfully. Breastfeeding came so naturally to her from the get-go, and it's really working! I should also add (warning: TMI!) that she has wonderful yellow poop. That's right, I used the words "wonderful" and "poop" in the same sentence! It may not seem like a huge deal to people who don't have kids, but yellow poop means she's getting enough milk-- in particular, the fatty hindmilk. Nikos had green poop for the longest time, and it stressed me out. So I can't help but do a little happy dance every time I change a (yellow) poopy diaper. Woohoo!
Second... Both kiddos got to vote yesterday! Well, not really... But they did go to the polling location, and Nikos even got a sticker (though the ladies working there did not believe he was 18). We had a special election all about the California budget. Maya and I walked to our polling place early in the day, and Nikos went with Gus when the two of them got home from daycare and work, respectively. He was very pleased with his sticker. He kept pointing at it and saying "sticker!" So cute!
Third... We bought me a new computer last night!! My desktop has started to die on me, leaving me to use this one laptop we have that is slooooooooow... It has, like, no memory whatsoever. And we had been talking about getting a new computer for a while, so we pulled the trigger. I am getting a sweet new laptop, which should be here as early as Friday. I can't wait!!! I am also getting a wireless mouse and keyboard, which are the two parts of a laptop I greatly dislike. That way, I can still use the laptop like a desktop if I want to. So, hooray for that! It's shocking to think of how much money we have spent in the past week, with the tree removal, painting the house, and now this. But considering we hardly ever splurge on expensive things and have been saving for a while, I guess it's alright. Still... It's crazy!
Anyhow... I think the painters are finishing up for the day, since they have removed the plastic from the windows. Hooray! They should be done with the whole job tomorrow, at which time I will take pictures and add them to the album I posted a link to in my previous post. So far, it looks great. I can't wait to see the finished product!!
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