Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Miracle!

Well, we drove up to my parents' house yesterday at around lunchtime, and we had a ROUGH afternoon... The little guy kept crying and crying, but wouldn't let himself go to sleep! We'd had a rough night before that, so we were all exhausted and, well, miserable. It was a long afternoon/evening spent handing Nikos from one tired person to the next, all attempting to calm him down and lull him to sleep. Finally, we fed him and gave him his bath, and he eventually drifted off. But that's not the miracle! The miracle was that he then slept for five hours solid, woke up and ate efficiently, and then slept for another four hours! We had a night of almost-uninterrupted sleep!!! But wait, it gets better... We had an awesome day, too, with our little guy being happy and alert a lot of the time, then taking nice naps when he was tired. And he went down for his BEST nap right as Thanksgiving dinner was about to be served... So Gus and I had two whole hours where we were able to eat dinner and hang out with the adults. It was truly amazing! Our guy even fell asleep in his car seat on the ride home, which made things very pleasant. I doubt that tomorrow will be as great as today was, but boy did it make for a nice Thanksgiving! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gobble gobble! i'm glad you had a great thanksgiving!