Thursday, November 29, 2007

One Month Letter

Dear Nikos,

I can hardly believe that it's already been over a month since you entered the world! It hasn't exactly been easy, but we're gradually getting to know and understand each other better. And that has made things much easier on us all!

To say that your birth was an exciting time for us all is an understatement—just a few days before you were born, around half a million San Diegans had to evacuate their homes due to a number of wildfires that ravaged the area. Your daddy and I evacuated, too, once we could see actual flames from our back yard. Luckily, our house was safe and sound when we returned the next day. The day after that, we went to the hospital. And the day after that, you were here!

So many people were eagerly awaiting your arrival, and you had quite a few visitors in your first few days of life! The first person who greeted you was Daddy, of course, quickly followed by me. As I rested in the recovery room, you met your Grandma Kristen, Yia-Yia Fofo, Pappou Nick, Grandpa Jeff, and Aunt Maria. Everybody commented on how handsome you were (I completely agree, of course)! In the days that followed, you met Uncle Grant and Aunt Melissa, Nouna Maria and Nouno Manolis (your godparents), and a bunch of our friends and coworkers. Despite all the excitement, you spent most of your days sleeping. Your Daddy and I couldn’t stop staring at you—it was hard to believe you were finally here!

Leaving the hospital and being on our own as first-time parents was tough, and I started to think I might never see the outside world again! Luckily, things are improving in this area on a daily basis. Your first week home, the three of us went for a successful walk around the lake. Your second week home, when Grandma and Grandpa were here, we started taking walks around the neighborhood. You also had a few trips to the doctor’s office for check-ups. As I grew more confident, I began taking you out more during your third week. We made quick trips to Target and the supermarket, and you only cried when it was time for me to check out! Since then, you’ve been to Babies R Us, the County Office of Education, my school district office, both grandparents’ houses, and the school I teach at. You usually like being out and about, and you LOVE listening to the Baby Bach CD in the car. Sometimes it even puts you to sleep, and you are completely conked out by the time we get home from our adventures!

Day by day, you continue to amaze us with your development. At first, you didn’t really seem to look at anyone or interact much with the world around you. But now you stare at our faces, and your eyes follow us as we move. Even though all the baby books say that you can’t see much of anything unless it is a foot from your face, I catch you looking at me from across the room. You make the cutest little noises, and are starting to smile at us when you’re awake and happy. Your smiles are the most adorable things in the entire world! You like your evening bath, and are perfectly content to sit in the tub and stare at us while we get you cleaned up. You’re a champion eater. You tend to cry and fuss a lot in the afternoon/early evening and are what I like to call “nap resistant,” but you sleep well at night and are generally a happy camper in the mornings.

In short: You are an awesome baby. You turned our world upside down and you keep us on our toes every day, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. We can’t wait to see what life holds for us in the months ahead. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!


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