If we hadn't had all those snow days, the kids would be getting out this Friday, June 12. But alas, it was not to be. They are still in school until the 22nd. But the End of Year activities are in full swing. Almost there!
So on Sunday morning, Gus took the kids and my dad out in the canoe for some fishing. The kids caught a few fish each, Gus caught a branch and some lake grass, and my dad apparently caught a largish fish that got away (so he claims! though Gus corroborates his story).
We met up for lunch afterward, and then headed to Niko's last baseball game of the season. Each player received a personalized wooden bat, and then they all got free ice cream sundaes from the snack shack. Not a bad way to end the season!
With baseball over, we suddenly reclaimed three days a week! And then I didn't volunteer at school this week like I normally do, since the kindergarteners were rehearsing for their spring concert yesterday (and then the actual concert was today). So I had more free time! And dance will officially end after this weekend, and all we will have left is scouts for a while! WEIRD! What will we do with all this free time?!?
Anyway... I alluded to the fact that today was the spring concert at school. And it was! Here were my little darlings before they got on the bus this morning:
And here are their actual performances (three songs each, starting with Maya's class). I clearly wasn't thinking when I put Niko in that black polo shirt. Lesson learned: BRIGHT COLORS are what we need! Black shirt + black background = floating head. Oops!
And because Murphy's Law dictates that our kids must always be in separate performances, Gus took the day off from work so he could go to them both. During the down time in between, he had a long list of things that he needed to get done for Cub Scouts. The first was finishing up the soap box derby car, which is looking VERY fabulous. I made the cushions. As a friend pointed out (the one who painted it!), Versace would love it. We'll see how it does in the derby on Sunday!
Gus also had to create a bottle rocket launcher. It's one of the activities they are doing at their year-end campout this weekend, and he was in charge. It works. He is very pleased with himself. It's really quite spectacular!
Meanwhile, I have filled all my free time getting all my ducks in a row for the next two weeks. Tomorrow night is the dress rehearsal for Maya's dance recital, and the recital itself is on Sunday. We have a scout campout from Friday to Sunday morning, followed by the soap box derby, followed by the recital. This weekend is PACKED. And then Gus and I leave on our cruise on the following Friday (the 19th). We're going away for a week to celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary. Yay! But this means that I have to get all the teacher and bus driver gifts taken care of before we go, plus Father's Day, plus stocking the house with food the kids will eat, leaving detailed scheduling info for the last two days of school with my parents, etc. Oh and packing! But that's the easiest part. Also in there, we have Field Day at the school, the volunteer recognition breakfast, a birthday party for one of Maya's best friends, and a Daisy meeting. But soon it will all slow down! Summer is almost here! We can do this!!! :)
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