But the end is in sight! Gus and I leave for Bermuda on FRIDAY! WOOHOO!!! Just throwing that out there! :)
Anyway, this was one of those weekends where I really wasn't sure everything was going to fit. First there was the Cub Scout camping trip, which lasted from Friday night until Sunday morning. They had a group campsite out at the local scout camp, and both kids had a ton of fun fishing, launching bottle rockets, making s'mores with "GIANT!!" marshmallows, going on a hike around the lake, doing a service project, and more that I am likely forgetting because I wasn't there. I did go out there on Saturday afternoon to get Maya, though, so she would be well-rested for her dance recital. And while she was very unhappy to leave, it definitely ended up being the right choice. Both Gus and Niko were absolutely wiped out yesterday, having slept poorly for two nights in a row. But they dug deep and made it through the day. Though Niko didn't last long when he was reading in bed last night... He was completely wiped out!
Anyway... allow me to backtrack to yesterday morning. I woke up around 7:30, and Maya was still sleeping! I let her be, and went downstairs to enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee all by my lonesome. But by 8:00, the boys were home from camping, Maya was walking downstairs, and I was being told that the Soap Box Derby was at 9:30 instead of 10:00. Ack! So I threw Niko in the shower, washed his clothes really quickly (so he could wear his cub scout t-shirt to the derby), got Maya dressed, got myself ready, drove to the supermarket very quickly to buy flowers for a certain dancer, and then we made it to the upper elementary school where the cars were getting ready to race.
And race they did! They started off going down a steep grassy slope, which intimidated a lot of kids(including Maya). But they eventually moved to the less-steep driveway, and everyone had a ball! Prepare for picture overload!
I wanted to race, too, but was afraid I'd pop the wheels off the car. Gus already did that once... haha!!!
Anyway, we rushed back home, ate lunch, and I began working on Maya's hair, which was quite a process for someone who is hair-challenged like me. But I got it all up into a nice bun, sprayed it heavily with hairspray, and soon it was time to go to the theater! I didn't take a ton of pictures this year, since I was determined to just enjoy the show. Plus, the lighting is weird and they never turn out that great, so I don't really see the point. But I did take a few! And our girl did a great job! As always, she was all smiles up there. So proud of our tiny dancer (third from the right)!
After the (loooong) recital, we grabbed some Mexican food for dinner and everyone had an early bedtime. Today it's unseasonably cold and rainy, and I am busy packing for our trip. Can't wait to be here soon!! The countdown begins!
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