What a great night we had! I had picked up a few party supplies at the store (hats, noisemakers, and the like), and was fully expecting the kids to go to bed well before midnight. They surprised us, though, and made it just long enough to see the ball drop. I was shocked! Maya did take a little snooze around 10pm, and they were both ready to climb in bed as soon as the clock struck midnight, but they DID it! I was proud of them-- they really wanted to do it, and they made it happen! There is a first time for everything!
We started the evening with a dinner of various appetizers, followed by general merriment...
After dinner, we settled down and watched "The Wizard of Oz." The kids then wanted to watch another movie, but I knew that they would fall asleep (and the didn't want to do that!). So Niko and I played some video games together on the Wii, while Maya played on the Kindle Fire and snuggled with Charlie, who loves Maya's green froggy blanket.
Shortly before 11, Maya took a little nap while snuggled up in my lap. She woke up, determined to see midnight. I took the kids out to the back deck to launch off some party poppers (they were spring-loaded-- the "safe" kind). They had the hardest time getting them to go, and I had to help. And it was really super dark (we need a new light for out there). So it was kind of anti-climactic, but it did serve its purpose of waking the kiddos up!
We went back inside, brushed teeth, and stood by the fire for a bit. Before we knew it, it was almost time! We watched the last 15 minutes or so of the show in Times Square. Both kids were very excited to recognize it, having been there only a few weeks ago. Niko zeroed in on the giant Skylanders sign outside of Toys R Us. Of course! But we counted down, shouted "Happy New Year!" blew our party blowers, and went to bed. They were out cold within minutes!
This morning, both kids slept in until around 8:30. That is AMAZING, and never, ever happens! It was fantastic! Once we were up and moving, it was time to go outside for the first time in 2014, and smash a pomegranate on the front door (Greek tradition for good luck). We were going to do it at midnight, but the kids just didn't have it in them. So we did it this morning. They had trouble, and I ended up doing the actual smashing. We gave the seeds to the chickens as a very special treat, and they LOVED them! Anyway, once we smashed the pomegranate, we made sure to step inside the house with our right feet first-- to "start the year off on the right foot," so to speak!
And then it was time for the vasilopita, another Greek tradition! I put candles on it this year, just for fun!
Then Gus went through the very specific cutting routine, marking off slices and indicating who each slice is for... The first one is always for Christ, then the Virgin Mother... then there was a slide for Gus, me, Niko, Maya, all our pets, our extended family, the house, Gus' job, and the kids' schooling. There was a gold coin hidden inside the cake. Whoever "owned" the slice with the coin inside would have extra good luck in the new year. For example, if if the coin was in the "Job" slice, it might mean a promotion or a raise or something. It's all in good fun. Anyway, the very first slice I pulled out was Maya's. And as I set it on her plate, the coin literally fell out of it. The End. haha! Niko was upset:
Maya, however, was thrilled!
She is the sweetest kid, though. She saw how bummed Niko was, and let him keep the coin in his piggy bank. We all know who really got it, but she wanted him to be happy. Repeat after me: awwwww!!!
Anyway... HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope 2014 is a fabulous year for everyone! Maya will start kindergarten this year-- commence freak out!!
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