I'm so happy! Gus needed to get cracking on better Chicken Containment this weekend, which meant putting up more permanent fencing. Our coop has an enclosed run attached to it but, as the chickens have grown, we have realized that it's just too small for them to stay in all day. The girls need more space! So Gus put up some very temporary chicken wire to cordon off a bigger area for them. But, as we know, Crispy can launch herself over said fencing and lay eggs on the woodpile. And that just isn't safe for her, especially since there are hungry hawks out there! So the new plan is to completely enclose the area under our second-story deck with chicken wire, and add a gate on one end for access.
HOWEVER... the stairs up to the deck got in the way. And they were completely unstable (and unsafe). And they obstructed our view from the dining room. So, obviously, they had to go!
The first thing Gus did was remove a section of the railing and install it in the opening up at the top. We don't need a deck with a dangerous opening! So he closed that off, then went around with the reciprocating saw and cut all the connecting points. Then he tied it to the truck and pulled! I was a little nervous that the entire deck would come crashing down, but it didn't. Whew! Gus then chopped up the stairs into smaller pieces and loaded them into the truck. Success! And look at what a difference it made in the view from the dining room!
Anyway, it went well, and he did it all in the snow! We got about 4 inches today! Thankfully, it really wasn't that cold. Just snowy. Soon the chickens will be fully contained in their new, more spacious run! Woohoo!
P.S. Because they were locked up for a while this morning, Crispy laid her egg in the nesting box. Yay! Progress!
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