The kiddos had a lot of fun with their friend, Evan, yesterday. His dad dropped him off at 10, and the boys ran off to play for a bit while I finished getting a pumpkin pie in the oven (no real reason-- I just love pumpkin pie, okay?). Once it was baking, I got all three kids and myself bundled up for playing outside, and out we went! The two boys sledded pretty much the entire time, while Maya and I built a "snow volcano" (her idea).

We came back in with minutes to spare on my pie-- perfect timing! The three kids then painted dinosaur suncatchers at the kitchen island while I started lunch. I had bought the kit a few months ago, and Nikos rediscovered it the other day. It was amazing to see how focused they all were. They did a fantastic job!

After lunch, they ran around like crazy people, playing inside until Evan's dad came to get him. All in all, a successful play date! So successful, in fact, that Maya conked out on the couch shortly after he left. I love her angelic little face!

That brings us to today. Seeing as how it's a Tuesday and all, our boy had preschool. Maya and I ran some errands, cleaned the house, and snuggled on the couch for a bit while he was gone (the girl loves some snuggles!). While cleaning, I moved our pile of library books and suddenly wondered when they were due. And, as it turned out, they were due today. So guess where we went after we got Nikos from preschool? And, after a lengthy debate in the car, we ended up returning four books, renewing six, and checking out about five more. We also met the children's librarian for the first time. Great timing, since Maya will be attending story hour with her for the next five Tuesday mornings! I'm excited, actually... They read stories, do a craft, and even have a snack! I had spoken with this woman on the phone before, to register Maya for the program (you can't just show up), but it was good to have a face to put with the name.
Anyway... We went home, ate a quick lunch, and then headed out on an impromptu trip to the children's science museum. And, unlike the last time we went (during a vacation week), it was practically empty! It was AWESOME! We played with everything to out hearts' content, and then just wandered around the grounds outside and visited some of the animal enclosures out there. The red foxes were particularly excited to see us, and so cute! Though Nikos insisted that they were NOT red, and should be called "orange foxes" instead. Whatever! Here are a few pics from our adventures:

And that was our day! Very full and fun, and Maya took another good nap on the couch when we got home, haha!
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