Anyway, in keeping with the theme of this blog... how about some pictures from our day? It was, in fact, a snow day, so preschool was closed. It snowed, hard, all day long. Nikos kept begging to go outside and play in it, but didn't really seem to understand when I told him it was blowing sideways and wouldn't be too fun. Tomorrow, though! It's supposed to stop snowing overnight, and then tomorrow should be awesome for sledding and snowman building and whatnot. I'm excited! I even laid out all our snow gear already!
In the meantime... I was nearly finished working on the design for Maya's birthday party invitations, and really wanted a nice, current portrait of my baby girl to put on there. She wanted a "pink and purple princess party," so I told her she could dress up like a princess, and we'd take some pictures. Suprisingly, she chose her Easter dress from last year over her actual princess dress. Fine by me! She also said she needed the flower headband. I just went with whatever she wanted. And, I have to say it... she is just the most radiant, happy little girl EVER! Don't you just want to pick her up, swing her around, and hear her giggle?
While we were taking photos, Nikos was upstairs working on a puzzle. But somewhere in there, he finished, and wanted me to get another one down from the shelf. Instead of asking nicely, he proceeded to climb all over me and try to drag me to the play room. Not cool. I was pretty irritated, until he went over to my backdrop and started "posing." It may not be his sweetest expression, but this picture is quintessentially Nikos. Love that little butthead!
After that, our day was pretty mellow. I was nursing a headache that didn't go away until almost dinner time, and it was so bad that I was feeling sick to my stomach. Ugh! Right as I was starting to feel better, I switched on the TV and realized that we had no signal. Because the satellite dish was covered with snow and ice, obviously! So I threw on my snow boots, bundled up, and trekked out front to clear it off. But before I did that, I took a quick photo of the house. It really is so pretty, all covered with snow! I didn't go far enough down the driveway to get the entire house in the picture, but oh well. It's all very snowy. You get the idea!
And that was our day! Tomorrow should be a blast, so I hope everyone sleeps well tonight!
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