No photos tonight (gasp!), just some miscellaneous thoughts and observations!
Maya misses her daddy SO much. Nikos does, too, but Gus' absence is really starting to take its toll on our baby girl. It breaks my heart! Most of the time, she's fine. She's always been stuck to me like glue-- totally a "mommy's girl." But lately, when she's really tired or upset about something, she starts wailing that she wants her daddy. Tonight, she bonked her head on a chair, and was sobbing uncontrollably about her daddy. Thankfully, it's just a few more days. But really, when you think about it... the kids have seen Gus for a grand total of about an hour in the past three weeks. They've never gone that long without their dad before, and of course it's got to be hard on them. Poor babies!!
On a happier note... Maya cracks me up. Nikos has always woken up in kind of a grouchy mood, which wears off after a bit. Maya, on the other hand, wakes up singing. Every. Single. Day. She sits in her bed and sings about her family members, her stuffed animals, whatever pops into her head. Her songs include such lyrics as, "Dora's climbing the bed, waaay up high! And now she's falling! Oh no, Dora! And here is Boots!" or "I love my Moooommy and Daaaaaddy and Niiiiiikos! And Chaaaaaarlie and Cooooorky!" haha! It is pretty much the cutest thing ever. She sings "real" songs, too, but my favorites are the ones she makes up on the spot. I don't know anyone else on the planet who wakes up as happy as she does!
Also, the kids are killing me with their pretend play. For about a week, Nikos insisted that they were X-Men, and they went around fighting the bad guys. He was Wolverine, and she was Rogue. Now, he is Spider-man and Maya is Firestar (one of Spider-man's friends from one of the many incarnations of the TV cartoon). Nikos loves to run around shooting webs, calling for Firestar to come and help him. Maya, to her credit, gets into her role and really becomes Firestar-- which Nikos LOVES! They are so funny!
Anyway, that's it for tonight. We're approaching our big travel day, so preparations are underway for that. We are all excited to see Gus again!!
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