Thursday, November 10, 2011

Goodbye, Pacific!

So, we took a break from packing (which is almost done) and said our farewells to the Pacific Ocean this morning. My coworker planted the idea, saying I needed to get photos of the kids standing on both coasts. Despite living in California my entire life, and in San Diego (land of beautiful beaches!) for the past 8.5 years, we really don't go to the beach that often. Still, we needed to make our little pilgrimmage and say adios to our ocean.

Really, I have never lived more than 30-40 minutes from the Pacific Ocean. And while I haven't taken advantage of it nearly as much as I could have, the thought of it being there is kind of reassuring. Not to mention the fact that my whole "mental map" of California is based on having the ocean over there on the left. I feel like, no matter where I am, I can tell which way is west. Part of the reason I get SO turned around in Massachusetts is because the ocean is on the wrong side! It's going to take some getting used to, I guess!

Anyway, here are a few pics from our trip. We played in the sand until they got tired of it, then we went and got scones at Starbucks. All this before 10am! It was fun, though, and I look forward to taking matching pictures by the Atlantic!

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