Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photos, Anyone?

Between being sick, working hard, getting Christmas taken care of, and doing photo sessions, I feel like I haven't been taking enough pictures of my own kids lately. And it makes me sad, because I think they are the two most adorable and incredible children in the whole world! So, without further ado, some recent pictures! You can really tell just how much Nikos loves having his picture taken, haha!

Also, we went to see Santa at the mall. I was uncertain about how Nikos would react, mainly because his plan seemed to be constantly evolving. First, he wanted to see Santa. Then he said he didn't want to sit in his lap, but would stand next to him. Then he didn't want to do. Then he did. Then he didn't want to go, at all, and said that he didn't want anything for Christmas. He just wanted to ride the glass elevator at the mall. And so on and so forth.

Anyway, Maya was also a wild card, since she is going through a sort of clingy phase and can be incredibly stubborn (just like her brother!). Still, life is short... why not try? So we went. Maya actually sat in Santa's lap, though she didn't smile and was very wary of the whole thing. Nikos wouldn't get within ten feet of Santa, but he didn't cry or throw a fit or really do anything. It was like he was completely frozen and speechless, just gazing at Santa like he was both awesome and terrifying. It was pretty funny, though I wish he'd been in the photo! At any rate, here is our official 2010 mall Santa photo. It's the same Santa from the last two years, which is kind of cool! (2008 photo, 2009 photo)

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