Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, I guess she was tired?? Bonnie, our wonderful daycare provider/next door neighbor told me today that Miss Maya hadn't napped all afternoon... But you never would have known, since she was as happy and active as ever! I figured she just wasn't tired! And then, at 5pm, I plunked her in her highchair (as usual) so that I could wash bottles and begin working on dinner. She was happily eating her snacks and sucking down the remainder of the milk in her bottle. I swear, I turned away for a minute, tops, and then turned back to find this:

Which soon became this:

Our little lady took a 20-minute catnap in her highchair!! Nikos was hilarious about it, too. First he wanted to wake her up, but he soon started telling me to "shh" because Maya was sleeping. Such a good big brother!

Fortunately for us all, she woke up in a great mood, as if the nap had never happened. Such a funny girl!

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