Some background: He was down on the floor, playing with his cars, when he decided that he wanted to take a nap with them. So he got his blanket, bear, and pillow, and settled in. I turned on the TV, and he was watching "Barney" (I know, I know... but he LOVES it!). Such a nice, lazy Saturday morning!
Speaking of Nikos... He continues to amaze us by just how much he knows and does. It really is amazing! Just yesterday, he ran backwards down the hallway and out to the living room. I didn't realize it at the time, but that sort of thing takes a lot of coordination and spatial awareness (he didn't bump into anything). He recognizes so many letters, and understands that they make words, even if he can't read most of them yet aside from what he's memorized. And his speaking is incredible! His sentences are getting longer and more detailed, and are peppered with little phrases like "probably," "of course," and "sure." He amazed me the other day when he was reading this little board-book children's Bible (one of a stack of books that were handed down from my former student's family... most of the books were about cars and trucks. Needless to say, Nikos LOVES them!). Anyway, there was a picture of Baby Moses in his basket. Nikos saw it, and immediately said, "Look, Mommy, the little baby is crying! He's in a basket, in the river. He wants his mommy. Why you sad, little guy? It's okay!" SO cute! He also says some hilarious things, too... Like this morning, I was putting in his eyedrops, and he was screaming as usual. Afterward, I asked him why he cried. And he said, "My eyes are scared of eyedrops!" Yes. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
Anyway, he is such a little person nowadays. Oh, another fun example! I was home with him earlier this week when the doorbell rang. It was the UPS guy leaving a package on the porch. But Nikos ran to the front door, unlocked it, and got the package. He actually got in trouble for this, but part of me was sort of proud and amazed at the same time. He's getting so big! And last night, he heard the ice cream truck and came running to the living room to look out the front window. But instead of seeing the truck, he saw his friend's mom's car leaving daycare. He got right in front of the open window and shrieked, "That's Mattias' mommy's car! BYE MATTIAS!!!! See you Monday!"
I just love that kid. He definitely keeps things interesting, that's for sure! ♥
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