After we had dinner, we bathed the kids, buckled them into their car seats, and they had conked out within seconds. They barely opened their eyes as they were transported from the car to their bedrooms! I guess they were really worn out!
Today started out as a day without plans-- such a change of pace from yesterday. After I got up, Gus suggested taking the kids to the zoo after Maya had her first nap. I thought that sounded like a great idea, especially since we have had such lovely weather recently! However, Maya ended up sleeping a little longer than planned, which meant that we wouldn't have much time at the zoo (assuming we left at 1:00, which is when both kids generally nap in the afternoon). We were still going to go for a little bit, but then I had a total brainstorm! We changed our plans en route, and decided to go to the free air museum at MCAS Miramar. I have driven by it a million times, always thinking that Nikos would love it, but it always slipped my mind! Anyway, it was great! The entire place is free, flat, and totally fenced in-- perfect for a wandering toddler. And he loved seeing all the old planes and helicopters! They have open cockpit events scheduled over the summer, where people actually get to sit inside various aircraft. I am thinking we may just have to come back for that! And there is really no excuse, considering it's only about 15 minutes away. I am so happy we decided to go!
We spent the afternoon at home, with Gus taking Maya to do grocery shopping while I waded through paperwork in an attempt to do our taxes (getting there-- not done yet!). But my headache was rewarded by this little snippet:
She's been getting closer and closer to saying some real words, and I swear she has said "hi" and "mama" a few times. But that was the first time I was able to capture it, and so clearly! I LOVE my baby girl!! ♥ ♥
On a total side note, I took both kids with me to get Nikos' hair cut on Friday. I thought it would be a better experience, since he is older now and generally listens to logic. We talked it up for days, and he even seemed excited about it! But all hell broke loose the second we entered the PARKING LOT where the salon is located (I'm telling you, the kid has an incredible memory). He screamed the ENTIRE TIME he was getting the hair cut-- he really, truly seemed to be traumatized by the experience. I actually held him in my lap, and he trembled like a little leaf. But the second he was done, he stopped crying, said thank you, showed the cashier lady his toy car, got a lollipop, and was just generally sociable. And when we got home, he ran to look at himself in the mirror and announced that he liked his new 'do. That's right-- I apparently gave birth to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Oh. My. Goodness.
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