10 Month Letter
Dear Maya,
Ten. Months. Old. It actually makes me feel a little dizzy and nauseous to think that my teeny little baby girl is rapidly approaching "toddler" status. Then we will have no more little babies! Of course, you and your brother will always be our babies. But it's just not the same when you can run away from us!
Your tenth month of life has been an eventful one, as always. It has been marked mostly by physical milestones. For one, you decided one day that it simply wasn't enough to crawl around. You are now fairly accomplished at pulling up on, well, anything that holds still long enough. I get the impression that you are days away from starting to cruise, too, since you have begun to move your grasp, turn, and reach for other objects once you are standing. It's only a matter of time before your balance improves for you to just let go and take off walking. In the meantime, though, you are endlessly entertained by your brother's old activity table, and love your new, higher perspective on things. The grin on your face when you make it to a standing position tells it all. It is so clear that you want to keep up with your brother!
You have also made some big strides in the food department. Just this month, you have gone from eating jarred baby food and puffs to eating all sorts of "real" food: Cheerios, avocado, peaches, pancakes, blueberries-- you name it, and you eat it! You are fairly adept at getting most of it in your mouth, and you very rarely gag, so I've started trusting you with a wider variety of foods. And you love your new independence! In the evenings, I simply load up your tray with finger foods, and you pick away at it happily while the rest of us eat our dinner. I still feed you jarred baby food, just to make sure you are getting enough, but you manage to do pretty well on your own.
This month marked the first time in your life that your daddy had to go on a business trip, which meant that a few changes were needed in our nighttime routine. You started taking baths with your brother, which is still a constant source of entertainment for you both. You took to the big tub like a fish to water. You don't just sit there-- you crawl and flop and splash like a little porpoise, leading to fits of giggles all around. You don't mind getting splashed too much, and the two of you just have a fantastic time together. And after your bath is over, you brush your two teeth with your cute little pink toothbrush.
If I had to describe you in three words, I think I would choose "happy," "feisty," and "determined." You are always such a joy to be around, but you know how to hold your own-- even with a rambunctious toddler. We can see the wheels spinning in your mind much of the time-- if there is something you want to do, you will find a way to do it. You always seem to have a plan, and you try to see it through. Often that plan involves standing up, somehow, or making a mad dash back to your brother's bedroom to empty every cupboard in his play kitchen and examine all the fake food. And whenever you achieve your goal, you look at us with the biggest grin as if to say, "Hey, did you SEE that? That was AWESOME!!"
Anyhow, you are the best little ten-month-old we know, and we love you beyond description. You truly were the missing piece in our little family, and the past ten months have been such an incredible experience. As always we can't wait to see what your future holds. We love you forever, little Maya-bear!
Mommy, Daddy, and Nikos
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