9 Month Letter
Dear Maya,
Holy moly, young lady! You are three-quarters of a year old, and are quite rapidly approaching the one year mark. And, true to form, you continue to change on an almost-daily basis. This has definitely been a month to remember!
For one-- and I am almost afraid to say this, for fear of jinxing it-- you have slept through the night for over a week now! The first few nights, I would wake up around 2:30am, somewhat panicked that I hadn't heard from you. But I quickly readjusted, and am now sleeping through the night as well. :) Truly, it's been an amazing, wonderful change. You even wake up happy in the mornings, content to throw your stuffed bunny around in your crib until someone comes to get you. I think your brother is also getting more sleep now, which makes for a much happier toddler. Life is good-- please keep it up!
In other news, you are up to three meals a day, and are becoming a master at snacking on puffs and yogurt melts. You also love to eat yogurt, and practically inhale the entire container when we give it to you (usually at lunchtime). You are such an awesome little eater, and will gladly consume whatever we give you these days. Unfortunately, you also love to blow raspberries, and frequently do so with a mouth full of food. You have now sprayed me on several occasions, which could be irritating if it wasn't so darn cute!
Speaking of noises... you all of a sudden started to babble this month! Real babbling, loaded with consonants. You tend to have your pacifier in your mouth much of the time, but when it's out, you love to chat with us. There have been a few times when it has sounded like you were saying "hi" or "dada," but it all seems to be coincidental at this point. Meanwhile, Daddy and I are waiting with baited breath to see whose name you really say first. While I'm hoping it's mine, I wouldn't be too shocked if it was a variation of "Nikos." Because let's not kid ourselves, he is totally your favorite!
In addition to all your babbling and developing other new skills, you had a few big "promotions" this month! You have really outgrown your infant carrier, and are now riding in style in Nikos' old Britax carseat (he got a new one with a higher weight limit, which made the most sense). With you rear-facing in your new seat and your brother forward-facing in his, you are now able to really look at each other and interact while we are driving. It is beyond cute, especially when he wants to hold your hand! You also started riding in the wagon this month, as well as going on the swings at the park. You are such a big girl these days-- how did you ever get to be so big, so quickly?
Maya, you are just the sweetest little nine-month-old we know. You are SO happy all the time, are constantly getting into things, and have the most infectious giggle. We ALL love you to pieces, and think you are the greatest baby girl on the planet. Here's to another fantastic month of your babyhood!
All our love,
Mommy & Daddy (& Nikos!)
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