Turns out that she most likely has an ear infection in her right ear, and is now on the lovely pink medicine that brings back childhood memories (blech!!). She hardly slept at all on Monday night, but did much better last night after her first dose. So we are hoping she is on the upswing! In the meantime, I used the day to get a lot of Christmas things done while she was napping. And when she was awake, I used her as my test subject for more messing around with camera settings. Here are a few pictures that I liked:

Switching gears... Last night, at dinner, Gus asked Nikos what he had done at daycare that day. Nikos gave his standard answer, listing the names of various friends he saw and the usual activities (play cars, play trains, color, etc.). We continued on with our conversation. A few minutes later, out of the blue, he said, "I go time out."
"What do you mean? Do you need to go to time out now?" we asked.
"I go time out Bonnie's house."
At this point, we were intrigued. We asked him why he went to time out. His answer? "Brady hit me."
Anyway, we knew that couldn't be the full story, but were trying SO HARD to contain our giggles. He was actually telling us something relevant and interesting that had happened that day. Upon further investigation (chatting with Bonnie today), it turns out that Brady did hit him, and went to time out. But then Nikos was playing with cars, and Kellen tried to take them away. Nikos smacked him (a couple times, apparently), and that's how HE got a time out.
In short, we got some good pieces of the story, even if they didn't quite paint the right picture. His language never ceases to amaze me! :)
Speaking of language, it's fun to ask Nikos what he wants Santa to bring. His usual answer these days goes something like this:
"I want DRUMS! and.... cars. and... basketball. and... SHOES! AND PANTS!!!"
When you ask him what Santa should bring for Maya, he says, "Toys. And SHOES!!"
I don't get the obsession with shoes, but I do find it hilarious! I also find it funny how he is terrified by Santa. He has no problem with the various Santa decorations we have around the house, but if Santa moves and acts like a real human, then he FREAKS out! I showed him this video that we made online (it's free, by the way-- very cool!). He FLIPPED out, demanded that I close the computer, and then told me that Santa was scary. Poor guy. I think once he figures out that Santa brings presents, he might change his tune... :P
Finally, I was crafty tonight! I found this project idea for a Santa plate, and made my own version. I am no great artist, but I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. And for less than $10, it was definitely worth every penny!

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