7 Month Letter
Dear Miss Maya,
Seven months!?! I know I say this every single month, but it is shocking just how quickly the time has flown by. I really feel like you were just born yesterday-- I can remember every moment in the hospital, from actually seeing the doctors pull you out of my belly to falling asleep with you cradled in my arms. You still like to fall asleep in my arms, though, so I guess some things never change.
This past month has been one of tremendous growth and some regression. The regression, sadly, has been in the sleep department. We should have known that this would happen! Your sleep development has been so different from your brother's... While he started out refusing to sleep, you were a champ from day one. And though your brother started sleeping through the night at around six months, you, well... Let's just say you haven't been sleeping through the night lately. We know that this is mostly our fault, as we have been much more lax in the sleep training department with our second baby. And things seem to be improving, so that's good! But I continue to be impressed by my ability to function on such little sleep. The human body is an incredible thing!
In terms of milestones... You really seem to be on the verge of doing all sorts of things. You have started pulling yourself up onto all fours for a few seconds at a time, and have figured out how to push yourself backward while lying on your tummy. We think that crawling is probably in the not-so-distant future. Your grasp is superhuman, and you will frequently fling your entire body toward whatever object catches your attention-- because you simply MUST grab it and try to put it in your mouth! This obsession with gnawing on pretty much everything leads us to believe that you will probably be getting your first tooth in the not-too-distant future. It also means that we have to watch you and Nikos carefully, because he loves to share toys with you, and you love to chew on them. The gesture is a sweet one, but chewing on small matchbox cars or Christmas ornaments probably isn't the best idea. Your favorite toy at the moment is actually a cheapie set of plastic keys, which you love to chew on and/or bang them on whatever hard surface is nearby. They are endlessly amusing to you.
In other news, you are now a member of the Breakfast Club! No, not the movie... But you eat breakfast now! You are officially eating two meals of solid food a day, and are doing pretty well! It takes you a while to warm up at each meal, as if you need a moment or two to figure out what you are eating and if you like it. But once you have analyzed the food to your satisfaction, you chow down. You haven't tried every food yet, but your current favorites are sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, and bananas. There are times when you would much rather eat big person food (as evidenced by your constant lunging for whatever we are eating), but you seem to enjoy the world of pureed vegetables just fine for now. Though I'm pretty sure you'd give your right arm for one of Nikos' Goldfish crackers (see picture for photographic evidence, hehe!)
This month also marked your first big holiday. Well, I guess that the Fourth of July was technically the first holiday you celebrated, but I don't really consider that to be in the same league as Thanksgiving. You celebrated with Mommy's side of the family this year, and you had a great time! Everyone was enamored with your sweet disposition, and you spent hours being passed from one set of arms to the next. There are many ways in which you are like your big brother, but that is definitely not one of them! :)
Maya, you are such an incredible little girl. We ALL think the world of you, and are so, so happy that you came along to complete our little family. We are so excited to celebrate this holiday season as a family of four, and can't wait to see you and your brother's reactions to all the presents on Christmas morning. We love you forever, and don't you ever forget it!
Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy
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