Consider yourself warned that this post is about poop!
And with that in mind, check out the picture I just took. The only reason I took it was because it reminded me of
this picture that I posted of Nikos when he was not even two months old yet.
Ironically, I took the picture of Nikos because I was at my wit's end with the bag of Pampers Baby Dry diapers that we had been using. They leaked every single time! But nowadays, that is my very favorite brand for him, and they are all he wears. Maybe the smaller sizes just didn't fit him quite right? Who knows! All I know is that my sweet baby girl managed a pretty impressive blowout using the more expensive Pampers variety today. Way to go, kiddo! Needless to say, that onesie is currently soaking in the bathroom and Maya is sound asleep. Pooping like that takes a lot out of you (literally)! :P
In non-poop-related news, I achieved a new Mommy Milestone today! I woke up feeling inspired to go to the supermarket, and to take both kids with me. They have both been to the store with me before, but never at the same time! I won't lie-- I was terrified of taking them both, for lots of reasons. But I did it! And it went just fine! I have been studying other moms lately, looking at how they managed two little ones, so I had a plan. Nikos sat in the seat of the cart, as usual, and I placed Maya's carseat sideways across the main portion of the cart (allowing me to put groceries underneath her). It was definitely more complicated than usual, and Nikos put up a fight (he wanted to walk, not ride in the cart-- not an option!). But in the end, we were successful. And now I know that I can do it if I have to (though I still prefer to go solo or with just one kid-- much easier!). Yay!
And on a completely random side note... Yesterday morning, Nikos was playing with his blocks in the living room as I was cleaning up the kitchen. I heard him saying something to himself, quietly, but I couldn't quite believe my ears. So I walked over to where he was. Sure enough, he was counting his blocks...
in Spanish!!!!! ("Uno... dos... tres... cuatro... cinco...") He only knows up to five, but I still could NOT believe it. And on Friday night, he asked Gus for more eggs... in Greek! I know they are sponges at this age, but seriously?? This is nuts! SO COOL!