Sunday, October 26, 2008


So, there's no real way to hide it any longer: I'm pregnant!!!! We found out on Friday, August 29th, the day before Nikos' baptism, and couldn't be happier. My due date is May 11th (though I'll likely have a scheduled c-section on May 7th or 8th), and things have been going really well so far. We are so excited about the new Littlest P., and we think that Nikos is going to be the sweetest, most wonderful older brother. We've been blessed with one wonderful little person already, and are certain that #2 will be just as great!

And in case you were wondering... I have been blogging about all of this in secret! Of course! As of right now, all of those blog posts are being made public, so you can go back and look for them. The subjects are all marked with an asterisk (*), or you can click here to see them all on one page. We've already seen the little peanut on ultrasound one time, and will hopefully find out the sex on December 17th. Hooray! :)

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