Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm not a doctor, but...

I don't think Nikos has a sinus infection, despite the doctor's prognosis. Of course, I'll still give him the antibiotics, but I am CONVINCED that it's Roseola instead. And a textbook case, at that! He's had a minor cold for about a week now, and then suddenly developed a high fever that lasted for 2.5 days. The fever broke, and now he is covered with tiny red spots (see pics--zoom in!). They aren't bumpy, don't seem to bother him at all, and he's in a great mood.

Now with that in mind, read this definition of Roseola. Sound about right? And check out this photo, too-- that could be Nikos' belly, if I didn't know better! So I am positive it's Roseola. The doctor just couldn't make the diagnosis without the visible rash, so she had to assume that the fever was due to some sort of infection. And since Nikos had a cold all week, and his ears looked fine, she figured it must be in his sinuses. Like I said, he'll still get the antibiotics... But I am feeling vindicated, since I told Gus I thought it might be Roseola last night!

Oh, and the icing on the cake... Bonnie (our daycare lady) came out to talk to us as we were leaving for the doctor's office last night, and told us there was some sort of a virus going around where the kids ended up with rashes. Sounds like Roseola to me!

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