Saturday, January 5, 2008

So That's What These Things Do!

It seems as if, in the past few days, Nikos has suddenly discovered his hands! If you hold something in front of him, he will attempt to swipe at it with one or both hands. If he happens to make contact, he'll hold on! He especially loves grabbing on to our faces (lips, chin, nose, cheeks-- whatever he can get a grip on). It's so cute! Anyway, it occurred to me that he might get a little more out of his play gym now, so I went and got it out of the closet. Lo and behold:

He likes it! Instead of just lying there and staring up at the toys, he actually swung at them and got a few good grabs! He actually kept himself entertained like this for a good 15 minutes, which is amazing. He seems particularly attracted to the parrot toy (note to self: don't let him grab Corky like that, or he will lose his hand!). haha! Anyway, it is just amazing to see how he changes from day to day-- it's like he wakes up to the world around him, one day at a time.

Our next objective: rolling over. He is SO CLOSE to rolling over from his back to his tummy, and he's making progress toward rolling from tummy-to-back. Exhibit A:
If he would just move his other arm, he'd go right over! *sigh* Soon enough, I'm sure!

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