Saturday, January 12, 2008

Now What?

This afternoon, Gus took Nikos over to our friend Tony's house so that I could get some work done... But now that the work is finished, I have no idea what to do with myself! I feel sort of helpless, and I am seriously missing my baby! I am having trouble remembering how I filled my pre-baby days. I can't wait for them to get home, and I especially can't wait to feed the little guy. It's strange... Breastfeeding was so hard at the beginning, and it's still inconvenient in a lot of ways, but I have to admit that I absolutely love it. Feeding him is like a mandated rest period for me. It's a time when I can just relax and snuggle with my baby, and he is so happy and content. Plus, it's something only I can do (no matter how hard Gus might try! haha!). I never realized I'd feel this strongly about it, but I do. And now that I'm missing him, my urge to nurse him is kicking into overdrive. I hope he gets home soon!

In the meantime, here is a picture I took this morning... He is such a strong (and wiry!) little man!

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