So... Niko has had a pretty awesome week at camp!
We are fortunate to live in an area that just exudes a summer camp vibe. Dense forests, lots of lakes and ponds, fishing, camping, hiking, boating-- you name it, the kids here do it. But right on the edge of town is an honest-to-goodness Boy Scout camp. Until Niko actually began as a scout, I had driven by the entrance a number of times without realizing what all was out there or how big it actually was. But the place is HUGE. And it is everything I ever imagined a summer camp could be. It's like straight out of the movies! Old canvas tents with wooden platforms beneath them for the overnight campers, hiking trails, fishing, boating, swimming, archery, bb guns, rope bridges... on and on and on. So when we found out that Niko would be able to participate in the week-long day camp program this summer, we were all pretty psyched-- especially a certain boy who could not WAIT to shoot a bb gun or use a bow and arrow.
Anyway, the week was everything we had expected, and then some! Every day, Niko and the other members of his tribe (the Iroquois tribe), under the direction of their counselor, Will, rotated between a number of activities. They swam in the lake. They did handicrafts, which involved stamping designs into leather, woodworking, and other manly sorts of things. They did scoutcrafts, which was all about camping skills, tying knots (which Niko is VERY into now), and first aid/safety. They did boating. And archery. And shooting. And nature walks. And of course, they had a break for lunch and games every day. In other words, it was pretty darn awesome! Niko came home every day filthy and exhausted, so I know he had a great time!
Today, me, Maya, and my parents drove out to the camp for their end-of-camp campfire ceremony. It was fun to hike down and really see where the boys had been all week. We watched as they all did silly skits and songs and told corny jokes (all classic Cub Scout material... much like what I remember from when my brother was a Cub Scout and my dad was the Cubmaster!). I managed to get at least a few pictures:
After the campfire, we looked around a little bit before leaving. I bought Niko a t-shirt, and he was given a patch to add to his vest (commemorating the 90th anniversary of the scout camp, which was established in 1925). I think he was sad to say goodbye, but is very excited to go again next summer. It was definitely a great experience!
While at the campfire, the camp director also gave us a link to download pictures from the week. I have only taken screenshots of the ones with Niko in them, and am still deciding which one(s) I want to buy. I'm thinking definitely the group picture, and maybe the one of him in the rain. But I don't know! Still, it was fun to see these, since I didn't get to physically be at the camp all week!
Anyway, it was a fantastic week for the boy. Meanwhile, Maya hung out with me at home while I did crazy things like repaint our front porch and all of our exterior doors. She is a good sport and a good helper, though! :)
In other news... no new chicks to report, which means that we are very likely done (I imagine Gus will turn off the incubator tomorrow). Tomorrow is also when the movers come with all my parents' stuff, so I may just drive by like a stalker and take pictures, haha! We have a barbecue tomorrow, and will be heading out on a camping trip soon, too. I think we should have Niko start all our campfires, now that he's an expert... what do you think? :)
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