Monday, August 4, 2014


We have butterflies! The caterpillars began emerging from their chrysalides first thing yesterday morning, and all ten were out by lunchtime today-- including the one that had not attached its chrysalis in the right spot, and was just resting on the floor of the enclosure. So exciting! And they are pretty! We get to enjoy them for a week or so, then release them in the back yard. Yay!
In other news... we were without internet this weekend, and I was without a phone for part of that, too. And boy did I feel disconnected, haha! It's a long story, but I got my phone up and running again, and Verizon came out this morning to take care of our internet issue. So we are back up and running! But that was sort of a focal point of our weekend. I hate when technology decides not to cooperate!

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