Today was Niko's first elementary school field day! It was actually supposed to be yesterday, but was rescheduled due to the rain. It was so much fun! I ran the parachute station with my friend Yvonne, but there were a bunch of other stations, too-- potato sack races, sponge relays, and freeze dancing, just to name a few. It was an exhausting event, from the parent volunteer perspective, but the kids were all smiles. And Maya had a great time, too, helping us with the parachute! She is so excited to be a kindergartener!
And then Yvonne actually texted me this one a little while ago. So cute! That's Niko and her son, Daryl, who also happens to be on my t-ball team! :)
In other news... Field Day quickly become a Recruit Briar to be a Girl Scout Leader event, haha! Which is hilarious, given the pressure I am already getting from the Boy Scouts. This is what happens when you put yourself out there as a volunteer! I am, however, seriously considering being a Daisy leader next year. Through coaching Little League this year, it's become clear to me that Niko needs to have someone OTHER than me in charge, while Maya really doesn't mind. So I think it would go better. And I would have a huge support network of other moms who are already Daisy/Brownie leaders. SOOOO... we'll see! This could be interesting!!
AND... while I was typing this blog post, I started getting messages again from my friend, trying to get my to be a Den Mother! So funny! I am pretty sure that scouting is about to become our life... :)
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