Some days, especially this time of year, I feel like all I do is run around. It's just a busy time of year!
Yesterday was an especially busy day. I dropped Maya off at preschool a few minutes earlier than usual, then zipped over to the elementary school to chaperone the kindergarten field trip. I didn't realize it when his teacher asked me, but there were very few parent chaperones on this trip, and they were all hand-picked by the teachers. So I was flattered! Because the trip took place from 9am to 1:30pm, instead of Niko's normal (afternoon) school hours, it took some collaborative parenting to make everything work out. But it did! Maya was picked up from preschool by her best buddy's dad, and went back to their house for lunch and playtime (where it sounds like they were mostly birdwatching out the front window, given her babbling about turkeys, cowbirds, and red-winged blackbirds. Sounds about right!). Meanwhile, I chaperoned by group of kindergarteners at the local science museum. Yes, the very same one we've been to about a million times, haha! But it was fun, despite being rainy!
After the field trip, I collected both Niko and his friend Natalie, who's in another class and happens to be Maya's best buddy's sister. See? It takes a village! Anyway, we brought her back to her house, collected Maya, and zipped home to relax for approximately ten seconds. Then I blasted through a few quick chores and made a very early dinner for the three of us, since I had volunteered to help set up at the school's Bingo Night event. So off we went. I was a zombie, and we didn't win anything, but it was still fun! Just a really, really long day!
Then, last night, it poured all night long. The morning was very dark and drizzly, and it didn't look too promising for our t-ball game. But, for the second week in a row, the clouds miraculously disappeared and the temperatures jumped up to seventy degrees just in time for the game! Gotta love the weather in New England-- it really can change that quickly! We had a great game! I loved this picture that Gus snapped of Niko wearing his new shades-- you'd never guess how dark and rainy it was this morning!
After the game, we went to lunch, then back home. Gus mowed the lawn, while the kids and I Skyped with Grant, Colton, and Riley. Then we played outside and enjoyed what had become an unexpectedly gorgeous day! Gus even let the chickens out to free-range, now that there are finally enough leaves on the plants to provide cover from potential predators. They were thrilled to be out, and the kids were happy to hand-feed their feathered friends!
And that was our day! Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, and there is nothing on the schedule. I can't wait!!
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