I haven't posted about all the playdates and parties we've been to, lately, but it's becoming that very social time of year! We have birthday parties just about every weekend this month, on both Saturday and Sunday. And with preschool over and elementary school winding down, everyone seems to be scrambling to make those connections before everyone goes off and does their own thing for a few months. So it's been busy, but fun! There is so much to be said about living in a small town that is heavily populated with young families. There is never a shortage of friends to play with!
Anyway... this past Thursday, Niko had his buddy Nicholas over for a morning playdate and some lunch. His mom stayed during the playdate, which was nice-- we are quickly becoming friends. The boys rode the bus to school together, and she stayed for a while after that to talk some more. Once she left, Maya and I made a quick run over to Dunkin Donuts to get some gift cards for the preschool teachers. As we were walking out, my friend Jen and her daughter, Maya's friend Catherine, were walking in. So we stayed and talked with them for a bit.
And THEN, when we drove back home, I was turning into the driveway when I saw my neighbor-friend, Jean, walking down the sidewalk with her five-year-old son, Henry. I stopped to say hi, and learned they were going for ice cream. As I went inside the house, it occurred to me that I'd never invited Jean over, and she has told me many times that she would love to see the inside of my house. And, well, it was clean at the moment!! So I caught them on their way back from getting ice cream, and invited them in. I gave Jean a tour, and Maya and Henry instantly got down to the business of playing. They were adorable together! They sometimes play together at karate class (Henry's brother does karate with Niko), but this was their first real playdate. It went really well! They ended up staying for over an hour, with most of that time spent out back (adults chatting on the deck, kids playing in the yard). Not bad for a random playdate off the street! :)
AND, Jean's an aspiring novelist. She's written several novels, but her most recent is a romance in the vein of the Outlander books (which are among my all-time FAVORITES). I'm going to copy-edit her manuscript! I'm kind of excited!! :)
About an hour after they had left, Caryn arrived with Paige. We were skipping karate so that I could get some dinner into the kids before Curriculum Night at Niko's school. And Caryn really wanted to do schoolwork while Evan was in karate class, so I'd offered to watch Paige. She always gets along well with the kids, so I never mind watching her. They have a blast together!
So yeah... that was the Day of Three Playdates, haha! And there are more days like that in the coming weeks. It's just that time of year!
Today, Gus and I adopted the divide-and-conquer approach to birthday parties. Maya had been invited to her classmate's party at a bowling alley, and both kids were invited to Gus' boss' son's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. I went with Maya, and Gus went with Niko. And everyone had a great time! Maya had a wonderful first time doing candlepin bowling, which is much more kid-friendly than traditional bowling. I never even knew that this type of bowling existed, but it's apparently popular here in Massachusetts! You learn something new every day!
Anyway, it's been a busy time, but a lot of fun. More importantly, I really feel like we are part of the community here. We know so many people around town, and we see friends everywhere we go-- even when it's unplanned. I LOVE IT! We've lived here two and a half years, and I have loved it here since day one, but it's amazing how our network of friends has expanded through school(s), dance, karate, Little League, PTO, etc. And it's going to grow even more this fall, as I just signed both kids up for soccer, and both kids will be starting scouts (the Cub Scouts are trying to recruit me to be a den leader, by the way... haha! We'll see...). It will be crazy, but I'm not complaining. It feels great!!! :)
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Maya's Preschool Graduation
Yup. We no longer have a preschooler. Maya graduated today, and it was very bittersweet. She has really blossomed this year, without having her brother around to speak for her. She is such an awesome BIG kid. But she's definitely not a baby anymore. Just look at how much she has changed since her very first day of preschool two years ago!
Yup. I don't have much to say. I'm excited for her, because I know she will love kindergarten... but this is the end of an era for us! I can't help but mourn it a little!
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the ceremony. The teachers did a really nice job this year, and we lucked out with gorgeous weather! Last year, it rained, so Niko's graduation had to take place inside. It was very cramped! And here's Maya with her two teachers, Ms. Sarah and Ms. Kristi: And, for those who are interested, here's a video of the whole thing. Warning: There is lots of "singing" (AKA shouting), haha!
Aaaand... that's all I have to say about that. Like I said, bittersweet...
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the ceremony. The teachers did a really nice job this year, and we lucked out with gorgeous weather! Last year, it rained, so Niko's graduation had to take place inside. It was very cramped! And here's Maya with her two teachers, Ms. Sarah and Ms. Kristi: And, for those who are interested, here's a video of the whole thing. Warning: There is lots of "singing" (AKA shouting), haha!
Aaaand... that's all I have to say about that. Like I said, bittersweet...
Monday, May 26, 2014
Memorial Day Weekend
It's been a nice weekend! It wasn't quite as warm as they were predicting, but considering that it's still 70 degrees at 8pm, I am NOT complaining! And we had a few thunderstorms, which I thoroughly enjoy watching/listening to. So no complaints there, either. It's been a good weekend!
Saturday night, we went to our neighbor's house for dinner. This is Gus' coworker and his family, who literally moved a block away from us (they're originally from New Jersey). What are the odds? Anyway, some of Gus' other coworkers were there, and we all had a lot of fun. Perhaps too much. But even the kids were talking about how they can't wait to go back. We will have to have them over here soon!
Yesterday, we got off to a slow start. We hung out at the house, enjoying the warming weather. Maya discovered that if she threw dandelions, it looked just like Elsa doing her ice magic! So she got her Elsa dress on again. And we took pictures (again). And Maya's editing requests led to the creation of this, hehe!! Shortly after we finished taking pictures, I was sitting on the deck and Niko announced that he had felt a raindrop. We mobilized, getting everything put away and getting ourselves inside. Just in time for the DOWNPOUR, complete with thunder and lightning! It was awesome!
A little later, Gus was finally feeling motivated to install the laundry room counter that we made months ago and has been sitting in the garage ever since. It goes across the washer, dryer, and shelving unit, and is AWESOME! I am so happy with how it looks in there!! I'm already working on a faux set of drawers to set on top of the counter to cover up the water and electric hookups. I was pretty excited to find that we had the perfect pieces of scrap lumber, and that the hardware store across the street was discontinuing a bunch of drawer pulls and selling them for only a quarter each. This project is going to end up costing about one dollar, and will match the countertop exactly. So awesome!
Anyway... while I was picking through scrap lumber and brainstorming in the laundry room, Gus was out working on our chicken coop remodel. We do plan to get more chickens in the not-too-distant future, but their living space needs some remodeling. This has been in progress for a while, but we (meaning Gus) couldn't finish it while the ground was still frozen. Refer to exhibit A: As you can see, he is digging a trench all the way around the area beneath the deck. This is so the fencing will go down below ground level, preventing critters (like foxes) from digging their way in. Those trenches will be filled back in once the fencing is in place. There will also be a gate one one side, which we'll be able to latch (and lock). Inside the now-completely-enclosed area, Gus is going to remove the old run from the coop (the circled part) and get it out of there. The coop and nesting box will be put up on stilts for better ventilation, more ground area for them to run around during the day, and because birds like to roost higher up. We'll also set it up so that the nesting box is close to a window, so we can collect eggs without actually going outside. And then Gus will add some other spots for them to roost. And eventually, he will build a chicken tractor so that they canfree range in different parts of our yard. With luck, the next chicken we lose will be to old age! No more foxes, hawks, whatever. No more sad children! It will be much, much better. Plus, no poop on the deck, which is a small thing, but makes me happy nonetheless.
Anyway... we got a lot done! And now it's back to the grindstone. We have another busy week-- I'm volunteering at the Book Fair tomorrow, Niko has a playdate, and Maya graduates from preschool on Friday, in addition to all the typical stuff. Busy busy!
Saturday night, we went to our neighbor's house for dinner. This is Gus' coworker and his family, who literally moved a block away from us (they're originally from New Jersey). What are the odds? Anyway, some of Gus' other coworkers were there, and we all had a lot of fun. Perhaps too much. But even the kids were talking about how they can't wait to go back. We will have to have them over here soon!
Yesterday, we got off to a slow start. We hung out at the house, enjoying the warming weather. Maya discovered that if she threw dandelions, it looked just like Elsa doing her ice magic! So she got her Elsa dress on again. And we took pictures (again). And Maya's editing requests led to the creation of this, hehe!! Shortly after we finished taking pictures, I was sitting on the deck and Niko announced that he had felt a raindrop. We mobilized, getting everything put away and getting ourselves inside. Just in time for the DOWNPOUR, complete with thunder and lightning! It was awesome!
A little later, Gus was finally feeling motivated to install the laundry room counter that we made months ago and has been sitting in the garage ever since. It goes across the washer, dryer, and shelving unit, and is AWESOME! I am so happy with how it looks in there!! I'm already working on a faux set of drawers to set on top of the counter to cover up the water and electric hookups. I was pretty excited to find that we had the perfect pieces of scrap lumber, and that the hardware store across the street was discontinuing a bunch of drawer pulls and selling them for only a quarter each. This project is going to end up costing about one dollar, and will match the countertop exactly. So awesome!
Anyway... while I was picking through scrap lumber and brainstorming in the laundry room, Gus was out working on our chicken coop remodel. We do plan to get more chickens in the not-too-distant future, but their living space needs some remodeling. This has been in progress for a while, but we (meaning Gus) couldn't finish it while the ground was still frozen. Refer to exhibit A: As you can see, he is digging a trench all the way around the area beneath the deck. This is so the fencing will go down below ground level, preventing critters (like foxes) from digging their way in. Those trenches will be filled back in once the fencing is in place. There will also be a gate one one side, which we'll be able to latch (and lock). Inside the now-completely-enclosed area, Gus is going to remove the old run from the coop (the circled part) and get it out of there. The coop and nesting box will be put up on stilts for better ventilation, more ground area for them to run around during the day, and because birds like to roost higher up. We'll also set it up so that the nesting box is close to a window, so we can collect eggs without actually going outside. And then Gus will add some other spots for them to roost. And eventually, he will build a chicken tractor so that they can
Anyway... we got a lot done! And now it's back to the grindstone. We have another busy week-- I'm volunteering at the Book Fair tomorrow, Niko has a playdate, and Maya graduates from preschool on Friday, in addition to all the typical stuff. Busy busy!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
T-Ball Pictures
We had our t-ball pictures this morning! They were supposed to take place last Saturday, but the weather forecast looked so threatening that the photographer (the same one who did Maya's dance pics) had to cancel. And then, of course, it ended up being sunny and beautiful! But it was okay, because the forecast for today said it would be warm and sunny. OOPS! Wrong again! It rained all night and up until about 6:30am. Our pictures were at 8:30am, and I figured they would be canceled. Nope! It was chilly and damp, but the pictures we definitely ON. Oh well.
Once we got ready (and once mommy was pumped full of coffee!), we headed over. Niko did fine. The other kids did just fine. Maya, however, has a bit of a cold and was in a less-than-stellar mood to begin with. And then she didn't want to take off her jacket, because it wasn't warm out. I don't blame her. But she did it, and then didn't really want to smile for her pictures. So I knew without question that they weren't going to turn out well, unfortunately! And it was no fault of the photographer's-- she just wasn't into it.
Luckily, I can take pictures, haha! After lunch, when it had warmed up a bit, I took both kids outside to do photos. I figured I'd take some of Niko, too, so that his picture would match Maya's. I think they turned out pretty well! I might still try again, since Maya's hair was kind of crazy, but I'm sure this is an improvement over anything that was taken this morning. Oh well! That's life.
Once we got ready (and once mommy was pumped full of coffee!), we headed over. Niko did fine. The other kids did just fine. Maya, however, has a bit of a cold and was in a less-than-stellar mood to begin with. And then she didn't want to take off her jacket, because it wasn't warm out. I don't blame her. But she did it, and then didn't really want to smile for her pictures. So I knew without question that they weren't going to turn out well, unfortunately! And it was no fault of the photographer's-- she just wasn't into it.
Luckily, I can take pictures, haha! After lunch, when it had warmed up a bit, I took both kids outside to do photos. I figured I'd take some of Niko, too, so that his picture would match Maya's. I think they turned out pretty well! I might still try again, since Maya's hair was kind of crazy, but I'm sure this is an improvement over anything that was taken this morning. Oh well! That's life.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Preschool Field Trip
Before I get to the real subject of this post, I just wanted to say that our sweet chickens never did find their way home. It's been amazing, though... Between the people I know that live right around this section of woods, and then the other people that they have talked to, there have been a lot of eyes looking out for them. But, with no sightings since Monday, I'd say they are most certainly gone now. I just hope they didn't suffer. :(
In the meantime, life goes on.
Maya had her preschool field trip yesterday morning, and Niko got to join us! We rode the school bus around town, including past the elementary school, and then stopped for ice cream at a local shop (the owner's son is Niko's age). After that, we headed up the road to the town playground, where we basically took over. There were actually quite a few moms there that I know, all playing with their toddler-aged kids. I felt bad that a horde of preschoolers took over, but it ended up being a social time. :)
Anyway, pictures! I was only responsible for watching Niko, Maya, and Jamie, but considering half of my t-ball team was there, I had to get pictures of them all together! After we got back to school, I let the kids play for a bit and then brought them home. I got Niko on the bus, and then Maya and I took off for dance class. After dance, since it was so nice, we went to the nearby park with my friend Jen and her daughter, Catherine, who is one of Maya's good friends. We had the entire place to ourselves! The girls had a great time. Then, after getting home and getting Niko off the bus, it was time for a very quick, very early dinner, and then off to the PTO meeting. It was a very full day!
Then, this morning, I got the email that the dance pics were ready! My friend's husband (Catherine's dad-- see above!) did the photos this year, and I think they turned out well! So sweet!! I can't wait to get the prints!
In the meantime, life goes on.
Maya had her preschool field trip yesterday morning, and Niko got to join us! We rode the school bus around town, including past the elementary school, and then stopped for ice cream at a local shop (the owner's son is Niko's age). After that, we headed up the road to the town playground, where we basically took over. There were actually quite a few moms there that I know, all playing with their toddler-aged kids. I felt bad that a horde of preschoolers took over, but it ended up being a social time. :)
Anyway, pictures! I was only responsible for watching Niko, Maya, and Jamie, but considering half of my t-ball team was there, I had to get pictures of them all together! After we got back to school, I let the kids play for a bit and then brought them home. I got Niko on the bus, and then Maya and I took off for dance class. After dance, since it was so nice, we went to the nearby park with my friend Jen and her daughter, Catherine, who is one of Maya's good friends. We had the entire place to ourselves! The girls had a great time. Then, after getting home and getting Niko off the bus, it was time for a very quick, very early dinner, and then off to the PTO meeting. It was a very full day!
Then, this morning, I got the email that the dance pics were ready! My friend's husband (Catherine's dad-- see above!) did the photos this year, and I think they turned out well! So sweet!! I can't wait to get the prints!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Farewell, Sweet Chickens
It is with great sadness that I report that we have lost all of our chickens. :(
At lunchtime yesterday, all four ladies were foraging out in the yard. I stood out on the deck and said hi to them, and then went inside to get Niko ready for school. He got on the bus at 12:35, as usual. As I was walking back up the driveway, I noticed something different by the bushes next to our fence. Figuring it was trash blown from somewhere, I went to go get it. Except I got closer, and saw this: Hanky. Those were Hanky feathers. And it wasn't just this small pile-- they were EVERYWHERE. Enough to make my stomach sink instantly. I quickly began searching for the other three chickens.
Except, we never found them. Hanky was clearly taken by a fox-- the pile of feathers is a giveaway. We figured that the other three had gotten scared (for obvious reasons) and had hidden in the woods. We walked all over the place, calling out their names, but we didn't hear so much as a rustle in the undergrowth. Eventually, we stopped looking, and hoped they would find their way back to the coop at night, as they always do. Their instincts are strong-- they know where home is!
Only they never came home. And while I had hoped to wake up to the clucking and squawking sounds they make when they lay their eggs in the morning, it didn't happen. They are gone. :(
Even if they survived the initial fox attack, I would be shocked if they made it through the night in the woods. We have foxes, coyotes, fisher cats, bears, hawks, raccoons... the odds just aren't in their favor.
We are still holding onto the tiniest shreds of hope... Maybe they DID make it through the night. Maybe they are just lost! Maybe they found someone who took them in? We have no idea. The only feathers we ever saw were Hanky's.
Anyway, we are devastated by the loss of our sweet chickens. We will probably get some more, once Gus makes the much-needed renovations on our coop and run area that will allow them to semi-free range (with the protection of fencing). But until then... Rest in peace, Hanky, Leia, Crispy, and Barbie. You will be missed terribly by our little family. :( :(
At lunchtime yesterday, all four ladies were foraging out in the yard. I stood out on the deck and said hi to them, and then went inside to get Niko ready for school. He got on the bus at 12:35, as usual. As I was walking back up the driveway, I noticed something different by the bushes next to our fence. Figuring it was trash blown from somewhere, I went to go get it. Except I got closer, and saw this: Hanky. Those were Hanky feathers. And it wasn't just this small pile-- they were EVERYWHERE. Enough to make my stomach sink instantly. I quickly began searching for the other three chickens.
Except, we never found them. Hanky was clearly taken by a fox-- the pile of feathers is a giveaway. We figured that the other three had gotten scared (for obvious reasons) and had hidden in the woods. We walked all over the place, calling out their names, but we didn't hear so much as a rustle in the undergrowth. Eventually, we stopped looking, and hoped they would find their way back to the coop at night, as they always do. Their instincts are strong-- they know where home is!
Only they never came home. And while I had hoped to wake up to the clucking and squawking sounds they make when they lay their eggs in the morning, it didn't happen. They are gone. :(
Even if they survived the initial fox attack, I would be shocked if they made it through the night in the woods. We have foxes, coyotes, fisher cats, bears, hawks, raccoons... the odds just aren't in their favor.
We are still holding onto the tiniest shreds of hope... Maybe they DID make it through the night. Maybe they are just lost! Maybe they found someone who took them in? We have no idea. The only feathers we ever saw were Hanky's.
Anyway, we are devastated by the loss of our sweet chickens. We will probably get some more, once Gus makes the much-needed renovations on our coop and run area that will allow them to semi-free range (with the protection of fencing). But until then... Rest in peace, Hanky, Leia, Crispy, and Barbie. You will be missed terribly by our little family. :( :(
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Today was another lovely day! Spring seems to have finally sprung around these parts, with the trees and bushes very suddenly looking green and full. No complaints here!
Niko and I started our day by leaving Gus and Maya at home, and heading out for a bike ride! I really wanted to see what he could do, when he didn't have anyone slowing him down. And we started off great! We zipped through the woods, pausing every now and then to admire the MANY frogs that were hopping around, or to just look at the view. We made it to the end of a section of trail (about 1.5 miles), then turned around. Shortly after we turned around, we came upon some walkers headed toward us. Niko, in his efforts to stay to the right, went off the trail just a little bit and lost his balance. He didn't even fall all the way, but it was just enough for one of his pedals to scrape his knee a bit. He actually didn't even notice it until a few minutes later, when he announced (very dramatically) that he was BLEEDING!! (by the way, he wasn't. It was pink, but it was a superficial wound.). This made our ride back to the car a fun one, filled with dramatic sighs and quiet whimpers, frequent stops, and lots of exclamations like "We'll never make it!" and "I never would have come today if I thought I was going to get hurt!" Fortunately, we DID make it back, and a quick rinse-off and a small band-aid fixed everything immediately (note to self: bring band-aids with us next time!). But it wore me out!
After lunch, we thought it would be fun to take the kids to the playground. I also thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take Maya to the dirt track that runs around the two baseball fields next to the park, and see if she can ride her bike without training wheels! I clearly wasn't thinking. I'm accustomed to going to this park during the week. But today, there was a baseball game going on, along with team pictures, and the playground itself was jammed with much-bigger-than-usual kids who were waiting to have their photos taken. We stayed for a few minutes, but then we got out of there! I then remembered that the playground at the upper elementary school would be empty, and it was! So we played there for a while, and the kids rode their bikes. Maya had some GREAT runs where I was barely touching her! The truth is, she can ride her bike. She balances, steers, pedals, uses her brakes, and puts her feet out to catch herself. But she does NOT want me to let go, and I got some very dirty looks from her when she realized I had done exactly that (even though I was still RIGHT THERE and wouldn't let her fall!). She is SO close! I am hopeful that we'll get there this summer. I'm feeling really motivated to get everyone moving on wheels, finally!
Once Maya was good and mad at me, we went home. I needed to relax and read outside in the sunshine. Maya went in search of the chickens, and ended up hand-feeding them again. I'm pretty sure this girl has acquired her daddy's love of all creatures great and small. She was very content to sit out there and make sure everyone had their fill of mixed grains! Eventually, Niko came out, too, and the two of them played soccer for a while (see the chickens in the background? hehe!) And that was pretty much our day! Another busy week ahead, but that's life these days!
Niko and I started our day by leaving Gus and Maya at home, and heading out for a bike ride! I really wanted to see what he could do, when he didn't have anyone slowing him down. And we started off great! We zipped through the woods, pausing every now and then to admire the MANY frogs that were hopping around, or to just look at the view. We made it to the end of a section of trail (about 1.5 miles), then turned around. Shortly after we turned around, we came upon some walkers headed toward us. Niko, in his efforts to stay to the right, went off the trail just a little bit and lost his balance. He didn't even fall all the way, but it was just enough for one of his pedals to scrape his knee a bit. He actually didn't even notice it until a few minutes later, when he announced (very dramatically) that he was BLEEDING!! (by the way, he wasn't. It was pink, but it was a superficial wound.). This made our ride back to the car a fun one, filled with dramatic sighs and quiet whimpers, frequent stops, and lots of exclamations like "We'll never make it!" and "I never would have come today if I thought I was going to get hurt!" Fortunately, we DID make it back, and a quick rinse-off and a small band-aid fixed everything immediately (note to self: bring band-aids with us next time!). But it wore me out!
After lunch, we thought it would be fun to take the kids to the playground. I also thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take Maya to the dirt track that runs around the two baseball fields next to the park, and see if she can ride her bike without training wheels! I clearly wasn't thinking. I'm accustomed to going to this park during the week. But today, there was a baseball game going on, along with team pictures, and the playground itself was jammed with much-bigger-than-usual kids who were waiting to have their photos taken. We stayed for a few minutes, but then we got out of there! I then remembered that the playground at the upper elementary school would be empty, and it was! So we played there for a while, and the kids rode their bikes. Maya had some GREAT runs where I was barely touching her! The truth is, she can ride her bike. She balances, steers, pedals, uses her brakes, and puts her feet out to catch herself. But she does NOT want me to let go, and I got some very dirty looks from her when she realized I had done exactly that (even though I was still RIGHT THERE and wouldn't let her fall!). She is SO close! I am hopeful that we'll get there this summer. I'm feeling really motivated to get everyone moving on wheels, finally!
Once Maya was good and mad at me, we went home. I needed to relax and read outside in the sunshine. Maya went in search of the chickens, and ended up hand-feeding them again. I'm pretty sure this girl has acquired her daddy's love of all creatures great and small. She was very content to sit out there and make sure everyone had their fill of mixed grains! Eventually, Niko came out, too, and the two of them played soccer for a while (see the chickens in the background? hehe!) And that was pretty much our day! Another busy week ahead, but that's life these days!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Busy Busy
Some days, especially this time of year, I feel like all I do is run around. It's just a busy time of year!
Yesterday was an especially busy day. I dropped Maya off at preschool a few minutes earlier than usual, then zipped over to the elementary school to chaperone the kindergarten field trip. I didn't realize it when his teacher asked me, but there were very few parent chaperones on this trip, and they were all hand-picked by the teachers. So I was flattered! Because the trip took place from 9am to 1:30pm, instead of Niko's normal (afternoon) school hours, it took some collaborative parenting to make everything work out. But it did! Maya was picked up from preschool by her best buddy's dad, and went back to their house for lunch and playtime (where it sounds like they were mostly birdwatching out the front window, given her babbling about turkeys, cowbirds, and red-winged blackbirds. Sounds about right!). Meanwhile, I chaperoned by group of kindergarteners at the local science museum. Yes, the very same one we've been to about a million times, haha! But it was fun, despite being rainy! After the field trip, I collected both Niko and his friend Natalie, who's in another class and happens to be Maya's best buddy's sister. See? It takes a village! Anyway, we brought her back to her house, collected Maya, and zipped home to relax for approximately ten seconds. Then I blasted through a few quick chores and made a very early dinner for the three of us, since I had volunteered to help set up at the school's Bingo Night event. So off we went. I was a zombie, and we didn't win anything, but it was still fun! Just a really, really long day!
Then, last night, it poured all night long. The morning was very dark and drizzly, and it didn't look too promising for our t-ball game. But, for the second week in a row, the clouds miraculously disappeared and the temperatures jumped up to seventy degrees just in time for the game! Gotta love the weather in New England-- it really can change that quickly! We had a great game! I loved this picture that Gus snapped of Niko wearing his new shades-- you'd never guess how dark and rainy it was this morning! After the game, we went to lunch, then back home. Gus mowed the lawn, while the kids and I Skyped with Grant, Colton, and Riley. Then we played outside and enjoyed what had become an unexpectedly gorgeous day! Gus even let the chickens out to free-range, now that there are finally enough leaves on the plants to provide cover from potential predators. They were thrilled to be out, and the kids were happy to hand-feed their feathered friends! And that was our day! Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, and there is nothing on the schedule. I can't wait!!
Yesterday was an especially busy day. I dropped Maya off at preschool a few minutes earlier than usual, then zipped over to the elementary school to chaperone the kindergarten field trip. I didn't realize it when his teacher asked me, but there were very few parent chaperones on this trip, and they were all hand-picked by the teachers. So I was flattered! Because the trip took place from 9am to 1:30pm, instead of Niko's normal (afternoon) school hours, it took some collaborative parenting to make everything work out. But it did! Maya was picked up from preschool by her best buddy's dad, and went back to their house for lunch and playtime (where it sounds like they were mostly birdwatching out the front window, given her babbling about turkeys, cowbirds, and red-winged blackbirds. Sounds about right!). Meanwhile, I chaperoned by group of kindergarteners at the local science museum. Yes, the very same one we've been to about a million times, haha! But it was fun, despite being rainy! After the field trip, I collected both Niko and his friend Natalie, who's in another class and happens to be Maya's best buddy's sister. See? It takes a village! Anyway, we brought her back to her house, collected Maya, and zipped home to relax for approximately ten seconds. Then I blasted through a few quick chores and made a very early dinner for the three of us, since I had volunteered to help set up at the school's Bingo Night event. So off we went. I was a zombie, and we didn't win anything, but it was still fun! Just a really, really long day!
Then, last night, it poured all night long. The morning was very dark and drizzly, and it didn't look too promising for our t-ball game. But, for the second week in a row, the clouds miraculously disappeared and the temperatures jumped up to seventy degrees just in time for the game! Gotta love the weather in New England-- it really can change that quickly! We had a great game! I loved this picture that Gus snapped of Niko wearing his new shades-- you'd never guess how dark and rainy it was this morning! After the game, we went to lunch, then back home. Gus mowed the lawn, while the kids and I Skyped with Grant, Colton, and Riley. Then we played outside and enjoyed what had become an unexpectedly gorgeous day! Gus even let the chickens out to free-range, now that there are finally enough leaves on the plants to provide cover from potential predators. They were thrilled to be out, and the kids were happy to hand-feed their feathered friends! And that was our day! Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, and there is nothing on the schedule. I can't wait!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Kindergarten Orientation
Yup, I took my baby to kindergarten orientation today. KINDERGARTEN! I have a feeling I'll be saying things like this for the rest of my kids' lives, but how did we get here so quickly? I can quite literally remember what it felt like to hold little baby Maya in my arms, and it can't have been five whole years ago. I just don't believe how quickly we got to this point. They say that when you become a parent, the days are long but the years are short. And it is pretty much the most true thing I've ever heard. Seriously.
Anyway... I brought both kids with me to orientation, since Niko didn't have school until after lunch-- I figured he could sit there quietly (and he did). As we got out of the car, Maya's friend Zoe came running over. Zoe was very nervous, and it was clear that she was tremendously relieved to see a familiar face! So we all walked over together, and I took pictures of the two girls in front of the school sign:
We made our way inside, and found more friends to sit with. It was sort of eye opening-- I recognized well over half of the kids/parents in the room. Probably more like 75%. Proof that our town is, in fact, small! haha! Maya has a lot of great friends who will be starting kindergarten this year, and it was exciting to see everyone in one place! We sat with this crew, but there were many others (from the left: Jamie, Zoe, Maya, and Eliza)
I may have mentioned this at some point when preschool began last fall, but Zoe's mom is Greek! Which makes her half Greek, like Niko and Maya. And the three of them might be doing Greek school together. See how perfectly that worked out? :)
Anyway, the kindergarten teachers came in and read lists of names, and the kiddos they called went off with them to their classrooms. Meanwhile, the parents (and Niko) got to listen to the usual spiel. It wasn't terribly exciting. I got to tell everyone about the Box Tops program. Hooray! haha! Really, the main thing was for the kids to go into the classrooms and begin to feel comfortable at the school. Maya already feels pretty much at home there, due to me dragging her there all the time. But this was her chance to be on her own, and she loved it! So I'd say today was a great success!
After the orientation was over and all the incoming kindergarteners got to play at the playground for a few minutes, we zipped home and did a quick costume change. Literally. Maya had dance pictures after lunch, which meant that she needed to get her costume on and do hair/makeup. And I had to get Niko on the bus in the middle of all that. However, we got it all done, it was 72 degrees outside when we finally got home. So the girl and I lounged in the back yard for a while. It was glorious! Especially since it's supposed to rain for the next few days... boo!
Anyway, the kindergarten teachers came in and read lists of names, and the kiddos they called went off with them to their classrooms. Meanwhile, the parents (and Niko) got to listen to the usual spiel. It wasn't terribly exciting. I got to tell everyone about the Box Tops program. Hooray! haha! Really, the main thing was for the kids to go into the classrooms and begin to feel comfortable at the school. Maya already feels pretty much at home there, due to me dragging her there all the time. But this was her chance to be on her own, and she loved it! So I'd say today was a great success!
After the orientation was over and all the incoming kindergarteners got to play at the playground for a few minutes, we zipped home and did a quick costume change. Literally. Maya had dance pictures after lunch, which meant that she needed to get her costume on and do hair/makeup. And I had to get Niko on the bus in the middle of all that. However, we got it all done, it was 72 degrees outside when we finally got home. So the girl and I lounged in the back yard for a while. It was glorious! Especially since it's supposed to rain for the next few days... boo!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Another Glorious Day!
I'm fairly certain I have my first sunburn of the year... and I don't even mind too much, because it's been WARM! Wonderfully so! It was actually even HOT today-- we broke 80 degrees before lunchtime, and soared up to a humid 85 degrees before slowly dropping back down. Even now, it's still 70 degrees at 9:16pm. The windows are open, and I'm listening to the frogs sing in the pond across the street. Just a week ago, hitting the 70s seemed like an unattainable dream. So despite feeling sticky and sweaty, I am not complaining about today's warmth. Not. One. Bit!
The kids actually didn't have school today, since it was a local election day. When I ask people WHY there's no school on local election days, people blink at me like I'm an idiot and say, "Well, they use the schools as polling places!" Yes. Just like in California. Where school is not cancelled on election days! So I still have no REAL explanation as to why they need the day off, but I didn't mind it at all when I saw today's forecast. A gorgeous day with nothing on the schedule except for t-ball practice in the evening? Don't mind if I do!
I actually ended up taking Maya to the pediatrician this morning, since she suddenly developed an itchy red rash behind her ear overnight. It was close enough to where she was bitten by a tick a few weeks ago that it made me worry (especially since the bullseye rash for Lyme disease can take a few weeks to appear). Fortunately, her doctor took one look at it and assured me that it was just a bug bite-- not surprising, considering how much time we've been outside this weekend. I was relieved. She did, however, take the time to tell me how Lyme disease typically presents itself in kids, and what other things I can do to help prevent it. It's turning out to be a REALLY bad season for ticks, which certainly lines up with what I've seen. Gus treated our back lawn this weekend, so we hopefully won't have any issues out there, but ticks are still out in force on the many miles of trails and parks we have in this area. We live in a heavily-wooded area, and it's just part of life. But I am constantly feeling like I have something crawling on me lately. Ticks are the WORST!!!
Anyway... we got back from the doctor at around 11:30, and both kids were begging to go to the beach. Our town has its own state park, where one of the lakes has a swimming area, complete with a sandy beach. It doesn't technically open for a few more weeks, but you can swim there now "at your own risk." It just means that there is no lifeguard. I was SHOCKED to see that we were the only ones there. We had the entire beach to ourselves! There were a lot of people fishing in other areas, and a family went by in a canoe, but the beach belonged to us. The kids were in heaven! Anyway, we spent a few hours at our private beach, but then I was literally starting to "feel the burn" (and yes, I was wearing sunscreen). So we headed home, everyone got rinsed off, and we relaxed for a bit before t-ball practice. And then the kids and I went out to dinner. It was a pretty great day! Too bad the rest of the week is supposed to be a lot cooler-- BOO!
The kids actually didn't have school today, since it was a local election day. When I ask people WHY there's no school on local election days, people blink at me like I'm an idiot and say, "Well, they use the schools as polling places!" Yes. Just like in California. Where school is not cancelled on election days! So I still have no REAL explanation as to why they need the day off, but I didn't mind it at all when I saw today's forecast. A gorgeous day with nothing on the schedule except for t-ball practice in the evening? Don't mind if I do!
I actually ended up taking Maya to the pediatrician this morning, since she suddenly developed an itchy red rash behind her ear overnight. It was close enough to where she was bitten by a tick a few weeks ago that it made me worry (especially since the bullseye rash for Lyme disease can take a few weeks to appear). Fortunately, her doctor took one look at it and assured me that it was just a bug bite-- not surprising, considering how much time we've been outside this weekend. I was relieved. She did, however, take the time to tell me how Lyme disease typically presents itself in kids, and what other things I can do to help prevent it. It's turning out to be a REALLY bad season for ticks, which certainly lines up with what I've seen. Gus treated our back lawn this weekend, so we hopefully won't have any issues out there, but ticks are still out in force on the many miles of trails and parks we have in this area. We live in a heavily-wooded area, and it's just part of life. But I am constantly feeling like I have something crawling on me lately. Ticks are the WORST!!!
Anyway... we got back from the doctor at around 11:30, and both kids were begging to go to the beach. Our town has its own state park, where one of the lakes has a swimming area, complete with a sandy beach. It doesn't technically open for a few more weeks, but you can swim there now "at your own risk." It just means that there is no lifeguard. I was SHOCKED to see that we were the only ones there. We had the entire beach to ourselves! There were a lot of people fishing in other areas, and a family went by in a canoe, but the beach belonged to us. The kids were in heaven! Anyway, we spent a few hours at our private beach, but then I was literally starting to "feel the burn" (and yes, I was wearing sunscreen). So we headed home, everyone got rinsed off, and we relaxed for a bit before t-ball practice. And then the kids and I went out to dinner. It was a pretty great day! Too bad the rest of the week is supposed to be a lot cooler-- BOO!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
My Mother's Day
I have to say... After nearly 16 years of togetherness, and with this being my seventh Mother's Day, Gus has got it all figured out! I feel like I don't ask for a whole lot. I don't need or expect expensive gifts. I just want to relax, enjoy my family, and not have to be in charge for once! And that's exactly how today was! :)
I slept in for a little bit, but was woken at around 7:30 by a little girl who had to use the bathroom (in our room, despite having other options). She wished me a "Merry Mother's Day!", and proceeded to do her business and then snuggle with me for a bit. A little while later, breakfast arrived! It was what has become Gus' signature breakfast-in-bed: Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and a mimosa (no complaints here!). Also on the tray were the gifts that the kids each made for me at school: a cute card/poem from Niko, and a MadLib-style paper from Maya. Maya's papers were hilarious! See Exhibit A: Eventually, I got out of bed and headed downstairs... only to find the exact thing I was hoping for: a bike!!!!! Now, for those of you paying attention, Gus bought me a bike for my birthday in 2012. I loved that bike!!! However, it was a beach cruiser. Which meant that it only had one gear. And when you live in a hilly town with gravel/dirt trails, it just wasn't practical. At all. So we ended up selling it for almost exactly what Gus had originally paid, but it meant that I was left without a bike. And up until now, that wasn't too terrible. But I've got kids who can actually pedal and cover distance now! I want to ride, too! The timing could not have been more perfect!! Hooray!!!
So... we eventually got dressed, and Gus and I soaked up the sun on our deck while the kids played in the yard. Then we decided to go for a family bike ride out on the rail trail. It was great! Maya required some prodding to keep going, but we rode for a few miles. And, bonus: the turtles were out in force! They were enjoying the warm weather as much as we were, it seems! After our ride, we resumed our positions in the back yard. I read from my Kindle and attempted to keep my eyes open (it was so warm and cozy!). Eventually, Gus drove down the street and got me an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts-- yum!! It was a truly lovely afternoon. The hours slipped by as I read and the kids played in the warm sunshine. And then there was wine! Gus grilled us the yummiest dinner, too, which we enjoyed outside: ribeye steaks, Caesar salad, and baked potatoes. Absolutely perfect! After dinner, we attempted to sit by the fire pit for a while, but the wood was too wet and simply wouldn't ignite. But it was okay! We had a fantastic day together, and I was left feeling loved and appreciated. Which is really what it's all about, right? :)
I slept in for a little bit, but was woken at around 7:30 by a little girl who had to use the bathroom (in our room, despite having other options). She wished me a "Merry Mother's Day!", and proceeded to do her business and then snuggle with me for a bit. A little while later, breakfast arrived! It was what has become Gus' signature breakfast-in-bed: Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and a mimosa (no complaints here!). Also on the tray were the gifts that the kids each made for me at school: a cute card/poem from Niko, and a MadLib-style paper from Maya. Maya's papers were hilarious! See Exhibit A: Eventually, I got out of bed and headed downstairs... only to find the exact thing I was hoping for: a bike!!!!! Now, for those of you paying attention, Gus bought me a bike for my birthday in 2012. I loved that bike!!! However, it was a beach cruiser. Which meant that it only had one gear. And when you live in a hilly town with gravel/dirt trails, it just wasn't practical. At all. So we ended up selling it for almost exactly what Gus had originally paid, but it meant that I was left without a bike. And up until now, that wasn't too terrible. But I've got kids who can actually pedal and cover distance now! I want to ride, too! The timing could not have been more perfect!! Hooray!!!
So... we eventually got dressed, and Gus and I soaked up the sun on our deck while the kids played in the yard. Then we decided to go for a family bike ride out on the rail trail. It was great! Maya required some prodding to keep going, but we rode for a few miles. And, bonus: the turtles were out in force! They were enjoying the warm weather as much as we were, it seems! After our ride, we resumed our positions in the back yard. I read from my Kindle and attempted to keep my eyes open (it was so warm and cozy!). Eventually, Gus drove down the street and got me an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts-- yum!! It was a truly lovely afternoon. The hours slipped by as I read and the kids played in the warm sunshine. And then there was wine! Gus grilled us the yummiest dinner, too, which we enjoyed outside: ribeye steaks, Caesar salad, and baked potatoes. Absolutely perfect! After dinner, we attempted to sit by the fire pit for a while, but the wood was too wet and simply wouldn't ignite. But it was okay! We had a fantastic day together, and I was left feeling loved and appreciated. Which is really what it's all about, right? :)
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to the two best mommies in the world-- our very own! We love you so much!!
And in honor of this weekend, I asked Gus to take a picture of me and the kids before our baseball game yesterday (hence all the black shirts). I love being their coach and their mommy, and couldn't ask for a more wonderful pair of kids to give my very best to day in and day out.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing day!!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Our Favorite Letter
Today, Niko had his sight words performance! The kindergarteners learn a whole series of songs every year called Heidi Songs, which are cute little ways to remember the proper spelling of sight words. And then, at the end of the year, they put on a show for the parents. Today, Niko was a letter H, and performed the song for the word "THERE." I took some pretty bad video of it. The seating arrangement was really weird, and us parents ended up way at the back of the auditorium. Lots of parts were hard to hear, and it was hard to see. But a video is a video! The whole show probably lasted about thirty minutes, but there was no way I could record the whole thing. It would've been terrible, anyway!
In other news... Both kids had dentist appointments yesterday. They did great, and everything is looking good! Maya even got her first x-rays. She wasn't a fan, but she did it without protest. The most surprising bit of news is that I have a kid with two loose teeth-- and I'm not talking about Niko! Maya, who just turned 5 a week ago, is well on her way to losing her first tooth. CRAZY!!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Yes, Another Picture
I have to cut Maya some slack-- the girl had a busy day! She had preschool this morning, where she had her school photos taken and played hard (as usual). Then she and Niko ran around in the back yard before and after lunch, up until it was time to go to dance class. And then she danced for a solid hour, leaving her covered in sweat. And yet, when Niko suggested going for a bike ride (he didn't have school today), she didn't complain that she was too tired-- she was ready to go! And yes, she announced that she was too tired about halfway through our ride but, like I said, I need to cut her some slack. Her little legs worked too hard today!
Still, aren't they the cutest?? And check out how white Niko's legs are. This kid tans like nobody's business. I tan pretty easily, and Gus is, well, Greek. haha! I am so used to Niko having olive skin. Maya definitely has it year-round, though. Niko needs to get a little sun. I have quite literally never seen his legs this pale. It was a really long winter!
Still, aren't they the cutest?? And check out how white Niko's legs are. This kid tans like nobody's business. I tan pretty easily, and Gus is, well, Greek. haha! I am so used to Niko having olive skin. Maya definitely has it year-round, though. Niko needs to get a little sun. I have quite literally never seen his legs this pale. It was a really long winter!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
They Ride!
This morning dawned bright and beautiful, and it was the only morning this week where we didn't have to be anywhere! So, once we'd eaten breakfast and gotten dressed, the kids and I headed out to the rail trail. I was a little nervous about taking them both out at the same time. In the past, both kids have had issues with riding their bikes on the trail. Niko still had his training wheels back then, which were constantly coming loose and causing problems. And Maya would pedal so slowly that she would lean waaaay over to one side, on the training wheels, and couldn't seem to ever go in a straight line. But I was optimistic today! Maya's become an excellent little rider, pedaling as quickly as her legs can go. And of course Niko is much better on his bike. Both kids, however, need to be aware of their surroundings better, and be in more control when it comes to steering! I feared that they would collide on multiple occasions. However, I am pleased to report that they did not!!! We probably rode for a mile and a half, but it was all very pleasant. Look at them!
It went really well! I am optimistic that I'll be able to take Maya's training wheels off soon, and then we can really get rolling!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Maya's 5th Birthday Party
We made it! Her birthday party was a great success! All her best local buddies came, and we had a great time. It was a superhero theme! These were the invitations (I've removed our address and whatnot, but it was there, too)
These were the cupcakes... Copycat Starbucks Vanilla Bean cupcakes... SO GOOD! I was proud. And I made the little cupcake toppers, too.
Right as the guests began arriving, Niko decided that he needed to go to the bathroom. And then he didn't come back for a while... I discovered he was still in there when another little girl needed to go. So I sent Gus in to see what was happening. He had totally clogged the toilet (too much toilet paper!). So then GUS disappeared for like 20 minutes-- he had the plunger, but couldn't unclog it! So everyone ended up using the hall bathroom upstairs, which I was totally unprepared for. But, we did get the toilet fixed, eventually. And Niko apologized for not doing a "courtesy flush," hahahaha!!
But anyway... while that was going on, we all started making our very own superhero masks and capes! I made those capes myself, I'll have you know. I had to figure out how to operate my mom's old sewing machine, and I can only go in straight lines, but I muddled my way through it! Then they had to pose with their superhero gear on! This was everyone except for one little girl, who was feeling shy. She reminds me a lot of Niko when he was younger. After that, we played "Pin the Mask on the Superhero," which I have no pictures of. And some kids are giant cheaters! But we were just playing for fun, anyway, so it didn't matter. After that, we decided to play Freeze Dance! Then it was time for cake! And presents! All in all, it was a very nice party. Two hours, on the dot! I think everyone had a good time, and cleanup only took about 20 minutes. And now, I sleep, because I am one exhausted mommy!
But anyway... while that was going on, we all started making our very own superhero masks and capes! I made those capes myself, I'll have you know. I had to figure out how to operate my mom's old sewing machine, and I can only go in straight lines, but I muddled my way through it! Then they had to pose with their superhero gear on! This was everyone except for one little girl, who was feeling shy. She reminds me a lot of Niko when he was younger. After that, we played "Pin the Mask on the Superhero," which I have no pictures of. And some kids are giant cheaters! But we were just playing for fun, anyway, so it didn't matter. After that, we decided to play Freeze Dance! Then it was time for cake! And presents! All in all, it was a very nice party. Two hours, on the dot! I think everyone had a good time, and cleanup only took about 20 minutes. And now, I sleep, because I am one exhausted mommy!
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