ANYWAY... today was Niko's winter concert at school! Just before school started, I got him changed into his button-down shirt, tie, and dress shoes. It's amazing how much he's grown-- because he didn't put up a fight at all! The old Niko would have absolutely refused to wear dressy clothing. But today? It was no big deal. In fact, he really liked his tie, and wanted to keep wearing it when we got home! Silly kid!! I snapped this quick picture of him before he got on the bus. And don't worry, he was wearing his jacket, mittens, and hat (of course!). Today was in the 20s and sunny, though, which made it feel decently warm after the past few days we've had! So they were just fine outside for a few minutes to get pictures. And, check out our snow! Yesterday's storm was short but heavy! Speaking of last night... it took Gus nearly three hours to get home because the roads were so bad! Crazy! And our school district decided to do an early release because of the storm, which meant that afternoon kindergarten was canceled. Karate was canceled, too. We had a lovely snow day at home! Meanwhile, Gus was driving in this: Poor Gus!!!!! It was a parking lot out there!
Anyway... back to today. Our boy had his concert in the afternoon, and it was AWESOME! He had said he was nervous, but he did great. His maturity lately is mind-boggling. My heart could burst, I am so proud of him! Here are his three songs, for your enjoyment. They should play automatically, one after the other.
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