Thursday, November 7, 2013

Two Busy Weeks!

Prepare for picture overload as I attempt to play catch-up!

When I last posted, it was Niko's 6th birthday. My parents were visiting for the weekend. That morning, we went for a very short walk on the rail trail with the boy, while the girl was at preschool. It was cut short because the sky was gunmetal gray and it was freezing! We thought it was going to rain. But then it started SNOWING! The first flurries of the season! Niko was very excited that it happened on his birthday. I was more excited that it quickly changed into freezing rain, then regular rain, and then the sun came out. Whew!

The highlight of MY day was getting to read to Niko's class during their library time-- it was so fun, and he was so excited to see me! I'm actually doing it again tomorrow. But I snapped this quick picture of the birthday boy wearing his crown (we called it his birthday fez):
The fun continued when he got home from school that day, and he got to open his presents. This is such a great age-- he opened all the cards, read who they were from, and then opened his gifts. And he loved EVERYTHING that he got-- he said so repeatedly! It's nice that he's older and has gotten more specific about what he likes. He's becoming easier to shop for! Anyway, he was over the moon, and immediately had to open everything up and play with it.
That evening, it was the Fall Fest at Niko's school-- a great event where kids get to wear their costumes, do crafts, and play carnival games. They had a blast!
We left a little early, though, so that the birthday boy could blow out the dinosaur candles on his Darth Maul cake (his very specific request).
The next day, after lunch, we went to a huge corn maze. This was the activity Niko chose to do instead of having a birthday party. And it was no joke! We spent about two hours in there trying to find our way out. When we finally asked for help, we were pretty much right at the exit. Of course! The kids were a little cranky towards the end, but they recovered quickly when they saw all the fun things that awaited them when we got out (sand box filled with corn, giant inflatable slide, etc.). It was an adventure for us all-- that maze was over 3 miles long!
The next day, Sunday, was freezing! It was windy, which made everything feel 10 degrees colder. But there was a Spooky Run happening in town, and there was a quarter-mile kids' run for $5. Both kids wanted to do it, so we did! They had some activities for the kids to do beforehand, too. But it was so cold that everyone took turns going back and sitting in the car. In the end, though, Niko WON the race! We were so proud! And Maya did fantastically, running the entire way without stopping (this was her first race). :)
On Monday, my dad and I carved our three pumpkins (we had a fourth, but it was rotten and gross inside!). I think they turned out well! Niko wanted his to look like his beloved Bear. Maya wanted a witch. And I made an executive decision about the ghost.
My parents stayed until Tuesday, when they helped get Niko onto the bus and then headed to the airport. It was a nice visit! Wednesday was Halloween dress-up day at dance class:
My focus at this point turned to Halloween, which was on Thursday. All day Thursday, it poured. It was not looking good for trick-or-treating. I even had to take the kids' picture outside with them holding umbrellas, because it was still coming down...
But, miracle of miracles, it slowed down to a light mist JUST IN TIME for trick-or-treating! The kids had a great time. We went around for just over an hour, then got in the car, ordered a pizza, came home and bathed everyone, and ate dinner. Success! Niko insisted on taking inventory of all his candy before bed, though. He literally made me write the names of every kind of candy and we made tally marks for how many he got. Silly kid!
The next morning, the kids woke up to a fun surprise: Gus had woken up very early to go get his mom and sister from the airport. They got home and we were all still asleep! The kids were the first ones downstairs, though, and were very excited for more visitors! And they brought Dunkin Donuts. Come to think of it, everyone always shows up here with donuts, haha! Whatever, the kids love them!

Anyway, their trip was a short one. They spent most of their time just doing whatever with the kiddos. Maya painted Theia's nails (and didn't do a bad job!). We went late-season apple picking and they got some yummy Fuji apples. We just hung out and had a nice time together! On Sunday morning, it snowed some pretty good-sized flakes for a few hours (it was too warm for anything to stick, though). This was the morning after the most beautiful day we'd had in a while-- 60-something degrees and sunny. Gotta love New England!
Theia left on Sunday morning, and Yiayia left on Monday afternoon. When Niko came home from school, he wanted to know who would be visiting us next! It does seem like we've had a parade of visitors recently. And Gus' cousin is planning to stop by for a brief visit in a few weeks, so I guess it continues! We are so lucky to have families who love us and make an effort to come see us 3,000 miles away. We love you guys!

Next up: Thanksgiving. I have officially de-Halloweened the house and have made a huge dent in my Christmas shopping. The holidays are upon us! Commence cleaning frenzy...

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