Today started out great! The fencing crew (two guys) arrived just after 7am, and installed two lengths of fencing that effectively make our backyard private! We have a large yard surrounded by woods on three sides-- it is a seriously awesome place, especially now that we have the new deck. But the flat part of the back yard, where our swing set is, had a view of the road in front of our house. Which meant that the road also had a view of our swing set. It is completely awesome to have it all closed off now! And we still have a (lockable) gate that is wide enough to drive through, if we ever need to get a vehicle into the back yard. It is PERFECT!!
We already have five more blueberry bushes that we are going to plant along the longer fence, and are talking about getting a rhododendron, too. I will probably do some planting tomorrow, provided it's not raining!
Anyway... they finished up just after lunchtime. The kids spent a lot of time playing out in the yard, and I noticed that they were playing football (which includes making a "dogpile" on the grass... this becomes relevant, trust me!). I was talking to the fence guys, and didn't think much of it. Once they were done, we went over to the town library and got a massive pile of books-- lots from the elementary school's suggested summer reading list, and a bunch of others that the kids picked out. It was great! We also had a nice chat with the children's librarian, who we hadn't seen in a while. But she remembered us, asked us about the house, etc. Because, as I've said before, everyone knows everyone around here!
So we finished up at the library, and walked back to the car. As I was strapping Maya into her seat, I caught a glimpse of what I THOUGHT was a crumb under her chin. She'd had a chocolate cupcake after lunch, so it wasn't too surprising! I asked her lift up her chin so I could see, and OHMYGOSHITWASATICK! A TICK!!!!! On my baby's neck! And it was firmly lodged in her skin! I was freaking out!!
I zipped home and instantly got on my laptop to google "how to remove a tick." I knew there were lots of Old Wive's Tales about the best ways to do it, but I wanted to do it right. And it turns out that most doctors recommend just grabbing the tick's head firmly with tweezers, and pulling it straight out. So I did. And it was hard to get out!!!!!! Maya was very brave and cooperative, though, much to her credit. The thing finally broke free, and was intact. No head left inside, thank goodness! I threw the tick in a plastic baggie, wrote the date on it, and tossed it in the freezer (which is what the website recommended-- just in case). I cleaned up Maya's neck, and now you wouldn't even know there was a tick there. The mark is almost nonexistent. I will obviously keep an eye on it, but she appears to be totally fine. I think I aged about ten years in a five minute period, though. A tick! On my baby!!!!
On another note... what did we do before the internet? I was able to get step-by-step tick removal instructions from a trusted source in just a few clicks. There is something to be said for that!
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