BOY, am I behind! Oops!! I got really busy with photography, but then I just didn't feel like blogging... despite having lots and lots to blog about. So I think that this post is mostly going to be a story in photos, because there is just too much to cover. Ack!
As of my last posting, the snow in our yard was finally starting to melt away, and we were able to play outside without snow boots! Woohoo! The timing was perfect, because it meant that we were able to actually *hide* the Easter eggs on Easter, as opposed to just scattering them on the snow. The kids had a great time, looking all over our yard for them. With nearly an acre to explore, the hunt lasted quite a while!

Backing up, though... The day before Easter, we took the kids to yet another egg hunt, this time at a local nursery! The eggs were hidden in and around all the plants, so it was a bit of a challenge, too. And it was SUPER crowded! The kids had fun, though, and enjoyed getting to pet the soft bunny inside the greenhouse.

In the afternoon that day, it was SO nice and warm... I noticed that there was just a tiny bit of snow left on my planter box, and I decided to go out there and make it disappear. Within minutes, I had two little helpers who were VERY eager to help till the soil! So we did that, and added some more, and just got everything ready for planting. I still can't plant most of my stuff, since we are still anticipating some nights with below-freezing temperatures. But I am ready to go!! A few more weeks!

The day after Easter was April 1st... Also known as my birthday! It was somewhat unfortunate that it was on a Monday, but I had a pretty good day nonetheless. I dragged the kids shopping with me, and then out to lunch. It was another semi-warm day, at least in the morning, and I was able to roll down the window and enjoy the sunshine. Later on, the sky clouded over and the wind picked up... so it was the perfect chance for the kids to try out the new kites they got in their Easter baskets! We ate leftover Easter ham for dinner (yum!), and then followed it down with this amazing chocolate chip cookie dough cake made by my buddy, Miranda (the professional baker). It was SINFULLY good. Oh my gosh. I loved my cake! Not a bad way to begin my first day in a new age demographic!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the temperatures dropped back down again... We even had flurries of snow! It was so depressing, after getting a tiny (and very belated) taste of spring. It was so unfair! We were stuck back indoors. I did get a cute picture of me and my sweet girl, though!

Later in the week, the temperatures starting climbing back up into the mid-40s again-- even into the low 50s on Friday! We got back outside and took advantage of it, at every possible opportunity!

Then, this past weekend, our busiest day was on Sunday. Nikos had his last day of ice skating lessons. He is now a graduate of both Pre-Tot and Tot 1 levels! He definitely wants to continue so that he can become a hockey player, but we've got t-ball starting up any day now... so he will be taking a break for a while. But really, he has gotten SO good. He's really confident on the ice, and can get around pretty easily. I'm so proud of our little skater!

Maya, on the other hand, was a little bored watching his class. haha!

Directly after the class ended, we headed over to my friend Caryn's house, to attend her daughter's birthday party. We had a great time, as always-- maybe even more so now that we really know a lot of their family and friends. Nikos was hilarious, driving their Big Wheels Gator around the yard (look at that face!). And I'm adding a picture of me, with Caryn and Miranda (the cake baker). These are probably my best friends in MA! Three Musketeers!

And that brings us to this week! We're only two days in, but they have been the BEST days of the year so far-- by FAR! We hit nearly 70 degrees for two days in a row, and I have been in heaven! I get as much done as possible in the morning, so that we can spend all afternoon outside. And that is where I do a lot of this, while the kids play on the swings, or use toys to chip away at the last remnants of snow and ice in the shadow of our house. Heaven!!!!

My bones finally feel warm again. I had all the windows open! We haven't had to heat the house in over 24 hours. HALLELUJAH!!!
My little seedlings are also bursting at the seams. Spring is here! I just need them to hang tight for another two weeks or so, and then they will find their new home in the garden. This may not look like much, but these plants are going to fill up my little planter completely in just a few months. I can't wait!!!!!
P.S. How could I forget??? There was a cardinal checking out the grass under our bird feeder this weekend! I took this series of pics from all the way across the yard, since he flew away when I got closer. But still! My best cardinal picture yet! They DO exist! :)