Just look at that! Winter storm "Q" passed over us all day yesterday. It made the drive to the kids' last ice skating lesson harrowing, to say the least, but the reward was this beautiful six-inch carpet of snow, and snow stuck to all the trees. Throw in blue skies and sunshine, and it was an absolutely gorgeous view to wake up to. Have I mentioned how much I love our back yard? Because I really, really do. It's my happy place. :)
My unhappy place, however, was driving through the snow yesterday. Once we left our town, the roads were awful! Gus was driving, and I was trying not to look... the snow was falling heavily, and the roads weren't being plowed very well (with the notable exception being our town, which was in great shape!). I was scared! This was the view out the windshield in the next town over:
However, it was the last ice skating lesson for this session, and it wasn't cancelled due to the weather, so we plugged along, slowly, until we got there. And most of the other kids were there, too, which was impressive! Our kiddos earned ribbons for completing the first level of ice skating lessons. Maya is done, for now, but Nikos will actually be continuing to the next level-- starting next weekend! So no break for us. He is very excited, and has big plans to become a champion hockey player. And all champion hockey players need to complete at least the second level of ice skating classes, right? hehe!
In other news... I talked Gus into taking a free curling class at the outdoor skating rink in Worcester on Saturday. And he had a lot of fun! It was put on by a local curling club... because hey, they have those here, in the frozen north! We joked that it's a shuffleboard club in the off season, haha! Anyway, at the end of the lesson, they had a little scrimmage, and Gus' final throw ended up winning the match for his team-- so he was in high spirits! Meanwhile, the kids kept warm by running around in the large plaza outside of City Hall, and running up and down the steps. I should have copied them, since I was feeling a little numb by the time the whole thing was over!
Today, however, was much warmer and more pleasant. Gus took the day off of work, since I had a doctor's appointment (annual physical) that I really didn't want to bring the kids to! The appointment itself went very quickly, and I got a clean bill of health (yay!). After lunch, we went to the store to look at some things for my garden (we started seeds yesterday), but were sorely disappointed by the dripping-wet-from-melting-snow garden section, haha! Another day!
When we got back home, Nikos didn't really want to go outside... but I reminded him that Gus would be back at work tomorrow, and that this would likely be his only chance to play outside with Daddy this week. So we got all our gear on and headed out... and had a blast!!! We sledded, threw snowballs, and built a giant snow t-rex (well, Gus and I did). It was warm enough (mid-30s) that nobody got particularly cold, and the snow was wet enough that it was really good for packing. It was a PERFECT snow day, and I am so glad that my doctor's appointment forced Gus to be home and share it with us! That, and the fact that he didn't have to plow the driveway in the dark this morning. I'm sure he appreciated being able to wait until 9:30 or so!
And that's the big stuff from the past couple of days! I'm sure I'm leaving things out, but that's okay. It's been a while since I last posted, mostly because my photography business has been picking up. Which is great!! I had two sessions last week, with another one this week and more to come-- including a few newborns I am waiting on. I am loving this niche, but every session I have means more evenings devoted to business, and not to this blog. So when there is a gap in posting, that is usually why!
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