We started the day by going to the lab for bloodwork. Maya needs a lead test to enroll in preschool, and I needed to get my iron and vitamin D levels checked again. I am pleased to report that neither one of us shed a single tear! From there, we headed straight to Caryn's house, where she had set up her inflatable pool and water guns. The plan was for the two of us to sip iced coffee and chat on her deck while the kids played happily, but there was some serious grumpiness going around. Lots of tears and tantrums-- it was in the air!

Caryn still hadn't bought her pool passes, so we all went to the town pool so she could do that. It happens to be right next to the town playground, so we figured the kids could play for a bit. But it was miserably, unbearably hot. And the pool looked so sparkly and inviting, though I didn't have my suit or anything. We didn't stay long.
As soon as we got home, I threw dinner together (pasta salad), tossed it in the fridge, and quickly loaded up a bag for a trip to the pool. I couldn't resist it! It was calling to me! And you know what? It. Was. AWESOME! The pool was pretty busy, but I never felt like it was too crowded. There's a kiddie pool that is just perfect-- nice and big, but only a foot deep with a little fountain water feature in the middle. I sat on the edge while both kids splashed and floated on their tummies. And then we'd venture over into the big pool, where Nikos loved "swimming" by himself (wearing his PuddleJumper) and Maya mostly clung to me (happily, though). It felt so good! And the whole place was so clean and lovely! I even ran into a mom I met a few months ago at the library, and we talked most of the time. I swear, I've gotten to a point all of a sudden where I feel like I know so many people. It's really, really nice! Everywhere I go, I see people I've met at the library or through t-ball. And everyone is so friendly and chatty. I love it!

Anyway... Tomorrow promises to be super fun, too. We're meeting a friend and her kids at the lake for a playdate on the sandy beach, and then we will most likely meet Caryn at the pool in the afternoon. Busy busy!
OH!! And my exciting news for the night? One of the t-ball moms just sent me a message inviting me to join her book club. She'd told me about it before, and I was interested from day one. It's more of a social thing than anything. I am so PSYCHED to be invited-- yeah!! More friends! Woohoo!!
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