Today was a lovely day! It was mostly sunny, with temps hovering right around 70. A perfect day to hit up the flea market! There is a HUGE one that takes place on Sundays not too far from us (two towns up), and I had been wanting to check it out for a while. Mostly because I saw these old train cars sitting there, and kept thinking what fun backdrops they would be for photos. So yes, I made the kids sit there when we were done shopping. I HAD to!
It was really fun to explore the flea market, though. There was definitely a lot of junk there, but there were also some booths with some neat old things. Classic Raggedy Ann dolls, an old wooden schoolhouse desk, and a cool vintage wooden sled, to name a few. I was especially coveting the last two things as photo props, but they were more than I was willing to spend today. However... I think that once I finally get my act together and establish my photography business here, I will for sure be hitting up the flea market! So many possibilities!
Gus was more interested in the antique tools, and came away with a big wooden planer/jointer. He also had his eye on a $6 dartboard, but was sad to see it gone when we went back later. Another day! We had a quick lunch of hot dogs, chips, and soda at the picnic tables there, then looked around some more. Seriously, this place was HUGE! It just kept going and going and going. The one thing I will definitely do next time is bring a stroller. Carrying Maya the whole time gets old really quickly! But I think that Gus and I both would like to go back again. It was fun!
The rest of the afternoon, we mostly played outside. We had a rousing game of baseball going on at one point, which tired us all out. haha! I did stop, however, to attempt more portraits with my parents. The younger subjects weren't entirely cooperative, but I did get this one, which I thought was cute.
Then we went out to dinner, since my parents are going back to California tomorrow. It was delicious, but the kids were exhausted! I snapped this one across the table early on in the meal, but Nikos was resting with his head in Gus' lap by the end. I think he is going to sleep well tonight!
Oh, and I wanted to share there pictures from last Monday, when we went for a walk along the Rail Trail. Isn't it pretty? It was a lot colder then than it was today, but it is still such an interesting place to walk. I really want to get a bike trailer so I can tow the kids behind me and go for some rides!
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