It started out fabulously, because I got to sleep in! Normally, Gus sleeps in on Saturdays and I sleep in on Sundays. But last weekend, Gus offered to let me sleep in on both days, since it was my birthday! It was very tempting, but I couldn't do it. Gus got back from California very late Friday night, and for him to wake up at 6:30am would have been brutal. So I took a raincheck. And, as it was, I don't think he COULD have woken up, even if he wanted to! He was pretty dead to the world!
Anyway, we were off to a good start. After a somewhat leisurely morning, we went out to lunch. On our way back, we stopped by the local elementary school so Nikos could practice riding his bike (as seen in the video!). It's sort of funny how the elementary schools work here. There used to be just one, and everyone in town went there. When the population experienced a boom, they built a second school (the one we were at today). Suddenly, the town's kids were split up by street address-- and people got MAD! It had always been a small town, where everyone knew everyone else. So they changed the schools around-- the old elementary school became the "lower elementary," housing grades K through 2. The new school became the "upper elementary," for kids in grades 3 through 5. So all the kids in the town go to both schools, which I think is pretty neat. Especially since five different towns (including ours) feed into the huge regional high school, and our town is one of the smaller ones. So at least they will have each other, and won't get lost in the fray!
At any rate, it was a great place to practice! Very private, with lots of wide-open space. And a playground right there, which kept Maya occupied while we were practicing. I experienced a parenting first, though, when Maya suddenly announced that she had to go potty NOW. We were nowhere NEAR a toilet, but we were very close to the woods. I'm still not sure quite how I pulled it off, but my child pooped in the woods. Oh my gosh. I guess there is a first time for everything...
Then we got home, and I worked on making some yummy lemon bars to bring to the Easter festivities tomorrow. My friend Caryn was so sweet, and invited us to join them at her in-laws' big Easter gathering. It should be very casual and fun, and I am looking forward to it! But I am not showing up empty-handed, so I will bring the lemon bars and a pretty potted African violet that I picked up at the store. Hooray!
Meanwhile, Gus was out in his garage doing manly stuff, like working on his motorcycle and getting the riding lawnmower ready for its maiden voyage. And then off he went! The kids were SO excited to see "Daddy riding his tractor," haha! I thought it was pretty funny, too, and got out my camera. Of course! This isn't the best picture, but Gus was showing off the mower's amazing cupholder capabilities. I laughed, a lot, but the truth is that he was able to mow almost an acre in an amazing amount of time. It was so fast! Awesome!

Oh, and a few other things that happened today. First, the kids found the Easter baskets, which were hidden away in my closet. They NEVER go in there, but Nikos told me that he thought he saw a Lego under the door and, well... the rest is history. I was so sad and disappointed that they ruined the surprise, but I decided to just give them the baskets early. I told them that the Easter Bunny had brought them to me a few days ago, to deliver tomorrow. No questions asked. But really, I was bummed. More so when the main thing Nikos had wanted (a Lightning McQueen bubble blower) didn't work! I will be returning it, but seriously?? What a disappointment!
And then Maya said a bad word at dinner. She was playing around and not really eating. Gus told her to hurry up and eat, because dinner was going to be over in a few minutes. She mumbled, "Oh sh--!" and started eating. Sure that I had misheard my sweet baby, I asked her what she had said. With a big smile and in her sweetest voice, she turned to me and said, "I said SH--!" OH MY GOSH!!! Yup, bad word. Probably overheard when the dishwasher started spewing foam the other day. BAD MOMMY. We tried very hard to not react, though it was both shocking and hilarious. Hopefully this was just a one-time thing. Because I will be mortified if it happens again!
And that was our day. The end! :)
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