Our playdate yesterday was a lot of fun! We had a lovely drive up to the New Hampshire border (about 40 minutes), but I didn't end up crossing over. So, I still haven't actually been there. But I was pretty darn close!
This friend that we met yesterday is another person from my mommy message board. When we first started looking at houses here, she suggested we meet up with her mom, a realtor in the area. So we did-- and the rest is history! We spent many hours driving around and checking out houses with her mom... but I had never met her daughter in person until yesterday. She was super sweet, which I expected, and our kids all got along really well. Nikos cried all the way home, because he wanted to continue playing with the little boy's toys. Really, I think he was just tired. Once he stopped crying, his thumb went straight into his mouth-- which ONLY happens when he is really tired or stressed about something. Meanwhile, Maya was conked out in her carseat. A sign of a successful playdate, for sure!
And then today was another preschool day. Maya and I ran some errands while Nikos was at school, and we got back into town just in time to pick him up again. I was so excited to see that his backpack contained his first-ever "report card"! Ok, it's really not a report card. But this preschool is nationally accredited, and part of maintaining their accreditation means that they have to do annual assessments. And we got here just in time to participate, apparently (they did the assessments last week). It was so fun to see all the things he can do listed in front of me. They tested gross motor skills like balancing on one foot, jumping, etc. They looked at his fine motor skills (tracing, writing his name). They assessed his behavior in class, social skills, and self-care things (getting his jacket/shoes/mittens on, etc.). And our boy is a rock star! He did awesome at everything on their (long) checklist, with the one exception of "alternating feet when going down stairs." He alternates feet when going up, but is very cautious when going down... I attribute this to the fact that he has never really had to deal with stairs until recently, haha! So really, he did fantastic. The teachers' comments said that he's really friendly, loves to participate, and is starting to make some friends. YAY for such an awesome transition into his new preschool! He loves it there, and so do we! :)
The afternoon was spent making another quick trip to the store, and working on my project. What project is that, you say? My super duper chalkboard project! It actually sort of morphed into this whole wall of stuff. But I think it looks pretty good, even though it's not completely done yet. I am loving it!

Basically, the chalkboard is where I will write our weekly menu (nicer than how I did it this time, ha!), reminders, etc. The boxes at the bottom will be for sorting mail, though I haven't decided exactly how I'll do that yet. And then there are the hooks up top for keys. I'm going to add some more of those. Then, the curtain rods on the left are going to be for a gallery of the kids' art projects. I have lots of them in a box that I can't wait to display! I just need to get some clip-on curtain rings.
And that was our day! We have another playdate tomorrow, but I am hoping to paint either the office or the guest room in the afternoon. We'll see how much motivation I can find!
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