We got to the local high school at about 8 o'clock last night. We knew we'd have some time to kill, but thought we could get a better parking spot if we left early. Anyway, most people tend to camp out on blankets on the grass, but we usually sit in the bleachers because they are less crowded and we get an unobstructed view.
Anyway, the kids had a blast! They played dance music for the last hour before the fireworks started, and both kids were thrilled to dance around in the stands. They were hilarious to watch! I did take a quick movie (just ignore Gus' face... he wasn't that bored, I swear!).
And a few still photos, too!
Then, at 8:55, they sent up a few small fireworks as a warning that they were about to turn off the stadium lights. Both kids were instantly in our laps. We knew Nikos would want his ears covered, since he doesn't like really loud noises, but Maya wanted hers covered, too. So, I held her in my lap and covered her little ears. Then the lights went down, and I looked down at her to tell her something... only to find that she was ASLEEP! Yup. In following her big brother's footsteps from last year, Maya was completely asleep during the entire fireworks show. And it was LOUD!!! The only thing I can think of is that she was super tired (since it was so late), and the combo of me snuggling with her and the stadium being dark made her nod right off. And really, she's a sound sleeper to begin with-- so it's not too surprising that the fireworks didn't wake her up!
She did, however, wake up as we were climbing down from the bleachers, and was wide awake and cheerful for the entire 45 minute drive home (to go ~2 miles??). She claims that she "loved the firetrucks" last night, which cracks me up! Nikos, to his credit, stayed awake this year and really DID love them! And both kids slept in until 7am this morning. Hallelujah!
1 comment:
Her dress is soooo cute!!
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