We started by cleaning the house and doing several loads of laundry (ooh! ahh!). That wasn't so fun, but it meant we could enjoy the rest of the weekend without worrying about that boring old stuff!
Once that was done, we got dressed and played outside. I gave each kid a brand-new thing of bubbles, and they were captivated for over an hour. Nikos did a GREAT job doing everything by himself, which is a far cry from last summer! And Maya, surprisingly, did well, too! She had to be reminded a few times to keep the bubble wand out of her mouth, and she put in a huge amount of blowing effort with very little reward, but she was very proud of herself. Until she accidentally dumped the entire thing and declared it was "all done." Oops! haha!
We came inside for lunch, during which Nikos freaked me out by talking about "that man outside our front door." What?? I soon figured out he was referring to the mailman, though I still don't know why he didn't just say that. Anyway... We went out to get the mail, and this car driving by suddenly did a U-turn and stopped in front of our house. It was actually one of my old coworkers, who is apparently about to move in up the street! Weird!!! So he's going to be our neighbor this week. Such a small world!
After nap, I loaded the kids up and drove back up to Temecula to pick berries with my friends and their kids. It was fun, but there were a few challenges! For one, Nikos announced that he needed to go potty just moments after we arrived-- and before my friends were there to help me out. There was only one bathroom option (port-a-potty), and it was, well, not desirable. YUCK! Besides being disgusting, I had to keep the door open and stand half-in, half-out and simultaneously tell Nikos not to touch ANYTHING and keep Maya from running off into the parking lot. Thankfully, there was both soap and water to wash up afterward. Still... ew!!!
Anyway... Nikos and Brady both filled their buckets very methodically, refusing to eat any berries along the way, while both their little sisters did the exact opposite. Maya picked a ton of blueberries, but still wound up with an empty bucket... Go figure! At any rate, we were there for almost two hours, and then Maya began to fall apart so we headed home. And now we have more delicious blueberries to eat, hooray!
On the docket for tomorrow is strawberry-picking, grocery shopping, and I don't know what else. I should probably work on report cards. siiiiigh...
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