Anyway... It's been a rough day, much as the first day was with Nikos. The morning ticked by SO SLOWLY, as I waited for Maya to have her first accident. When it finally happened (two hours after putting underwear on her), she stood up from where she had been sitting and looked confused and disturbed. I got her cleaned up, kept reminding her to tell me when she needed to go potty, and we continued on with our day. Accident #2 came about an hour later, this time while she was standing on the tile (yay for easy clean up!). This time, she whimpered about it a bit, wanting to get cleaned up right away.
Accident #3 took place as she was eating lunch, while sitting in her booster seat. I didn't even know it had happened, until she started wriggling around and telling me she needed to go poop. That's when I realized she was sitting in a puddle. I got her cleaned up, and then had her sit on the potty for a while (because she was still talking about pooping, but nothing had happened!).
After a while, it was clear that nothing was going to happen, so I got her some clean underwear and let her play. Minutes later, I caught an all-too-familiar whiff. In what can only be described as a feat of my supermom powers (and pure instinct!), I grabbed her, carefully pulled her underwear down, and situated her on the little potty that happened to be a few feet away in the living room. She had JUST started pooping. Like, the second I caught that whiff. Most of it came out while she sat on the potty. If I had waited another second, it would not have been a pretty picture, I assure you. Yuck!!
Anyway (sorry, I know this is TMI), she did a huge poop on the little potty! Nikos and I both heaped praise on her, and she was thrilled to help dump the contents into the big potty and flush them away. Nikos gave her a high-five. I gave her an M&M (not part of my plan, but hey... the kid loves chocolate, and a positive association with pooping on the potty can't be bad!).
So... she still isn't telling me that she has to go, but I wouldn't be too surprised if she starts later this afternoon or tomorrow. And until then... My living room is covered with towels, and my kitchen counters are loaded with cleaning products. haha!
Can I just say, though, how cute she looks in her big girl undies? Aack, she is such a big girl! It kills me!!
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