Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today, we went to the most fun birthday party ever!!!

Ok, maybe it wasn't (or maybe it was?), but it certainly stood out as being the most fun party we've been to in a while. It was for Bonnie's grandson, Teagen, who the kids see every day at daycare. It was at a local indoor play place, and all their daycare buddies were there! It was fun to just let the kids play together and actually have some time to get to know the other parents. Nikos took a while to get warmed up, as expected, but was begging to stay by the time we had to leave. Maya was gung-ho from the get go, also as expected.

At any rate, it was a lot of fun. I, personally, enjoyed taking Maya up to the top of the looooooong, super fast slides and going down them. It was so fun! Nikos even did it all by himself, after getting over his initial fear. See that little (blurry) kiddo on the blue side? That's my boy! And Gus is at the top of the red one, with Maya's head just barely peeking over...

After a nice long playtime, it was time to move into the party room for a few activities. The kids decorated their very own superhero capes (that Bonnie sewed herself), danced around popping bubbles, ate snacks, then sang "Happy Birthday" to their 4-year-old friend. Maya was in the room the entire time, while Nikos sort of came and went (he had JUST warmed up to the play equipment at this time, and going into a crowded room to eat snacks wasn't a battle we were ready to deal with). Maya didn't seem to mind, though, and had a blast chatting with her buddy Mattias. We jokingly call him her boyfriend, because these two really do make a beeline for each other at daycare every morning. And it was nice for me to get to know his mom, who was very sweet. :)

And a photo of my guy, who did manage to make it into the room for a cupcake!

After the party events were over, it was time for more playing. Both kids finally made it into the ballpit, which was a madhouse! All us parents outside kept thinking that someone was for SURE going to get hurt... But miraculously, they were fine! And they had a blast!

Anyway, the whole party was so much fun, and made better by the fact that we are starting to get to know these other people over time.

Side note: How many times can a person use the word "fun" in one post? Guess I need a thesaurus, haha!

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