Anyway, she appears to be going through some sort of a language explosion, and it's just amazing! All of a sudden, she is really starting to communicate with us. And her receptive language, which has been strong for a long time, seems to also be going through a growth spurt. For example, I can tell her to go in the living room and sit in her chair, and she will do it. Or go give her brother a hug, and she'll do it. And she picks up on things really quickly. If Nikos so much as mentions that he needs to go potty, she is the first one to the bathroom (in hopes of brushing her teeth/washing her hands/playing in the sink). When Gus says, "Who knows what time it is?", she goes running for the bathroom to take her bath. She's a trusty little messenger ("take this to Daddy"), and just so adorable!
In any event, I thought I would try to record all of her words here for posterity. I am sure I'm forgetting some, but this seems to be the general list. I love listening to her little voice!
I want that
All done
Meeee!! (in response to "Who wants dinner?")
Peek-a-boo ("Pee-boo")
quack-quack ("wack-wack)
please ("ees")
milk ("mik")
kitchen ("itchy")
trash (tash)
and various animal sounds: chicken, cow, monkey, wolf, etc.
And finally, how about a quick snapshot of my two favorite kids, snuggling on the couch this weekend. Are they not the cutest??? ♥
edited on 9/30 to add: fish, hi, I want down, clean up (the Barney song), cookie, and probably more-- ha!
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