Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beautiful Day!

So the weather here has been unbelievably gorgeous all weekend! I mean, San Diego has pretty nice weather to begin with, but this has been exceptional-- especially for January! Today it was in the mid-to-high seventies with clear blue skies. So... We thought it would be the perfect day for a family outing to the zoo!

For the first time, Maya sat up like a big girl in the stroller. Up until now, we have attached her infant seat to the top, but today she sat in her actual stroller seat and enjoyed it! At one point, she conked out entirely. It was a perfect day for a nap outside, so we were a little jealous! And, for the first time, Nikos was really great about getting back into the stroller after looking at an animal. He has been known to fight us on this, but it is REALLY hard to carry him around the zoo-- especially with all the hills! Anyway, it was great. While Maya napped, we sat and ate lunch together up in the treehouse (the highest part of the zoo). Everyone was in such a good mood-- I really can't express how much fun it was!

Oh, and our boy has a new favorite animal: the orangutan! He still has a special place in his heart for llamas, but he went NUTS at the orangutan enclosure. It was hilarious!!

Also... I took all these pictures in manual mode on my camera! I am kind of proud. They aren't perfect, but this is still a pretty big achievement. Manual mode means that I had to choose everything myself (shutter speed, ISO, aperture, etc.) and the camera didn't help. I think they turned out pretty well, considering!

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