Friday, November 13, 2009


On my lunch break today, I mentioned to my coworkers that I have just recently become aware of the fact that Nikos can actually carry on a conversation. Of course, he's responded to questions for a long time now, but he generally answered them with one or two words. But all of a sudden, I really feel like he listens to and understands everything I say... and it is AWESOME! I love having conversations with my little guy! Here is just a sampling of some recent chats we've had (for posterity, of course!)...

Me: So what did you do at Bonnie's house today?
Nikos: Friends! I see Teagen, and Brady, and Jenna, and Mattias, and Hanna...
Me: Oh, so you played with your friends? What else did you do?
Nikos: I color.
Me: You colored? What did you color?
Nikos: I color Spider-man! I like Spider-man!

(sitting in the high chair)
Me: Niko, get down. That chair is for babies.
Nikos: No, it's MY chair.
Me: No, it's Maya's chair. Time to get down.
Nikos: No, it's NIKO'S chair. DAT's Maya's chair (pointing at his booster seat)
(it was hard not to laugh at that point!)

Nikos: Mmmmm... Nummy nummy pizza!
Me: Is that good? You like the pizza?
Nikos: I like it! It's nummy, Mommy?
Me: Yes, it's yummy!
Nikos: An' I got milk and juice, too! Tank you, Mommy!
Me: You're welcome, baby.

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