This morning was our town's annual parade, so we decided to take the kids. Believe it or not, it was a first for them both! We weren't really sure how Nikos would react. We knew that there would be lots of the things that he loves (cars, motorcycles, bikes, animals, drums, etc.), but we also know that he's not a huge fan of crowds/parties. And, true to form, he was very unsure of the whole thing at first. However, he loosened up as the parade continued, and eventually was okay enough for us to put him down (hallelujah!). At one point, he even started clapping and saying, "YAY! HORSES!" Too cute. Maya, who was due for a nap, just sort of drifted in and out in her car seat. Nothing really fazed her, not even the hot rods or the incredibly loud bagpipe band that marched by. All in all, it was a great experience. And tomorrow, we're going to a local street fair sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce (it's all part of a weekend-long celebration). I hope that goes well, too!
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