I'm sure it's just a phase, brought on by both the sudden major change in his life (e.g., Maya) and his age (wanting to be more independent and being frustrated). Still, our little guy has been acting out. The other day, he tried yanking Maya out of her bouncy seat while yelling, "No! No!" When I told him, "STOP! That hurts baby!" he ran off to the kitchen and starting throwing magnets onto the ground and yelling "No" some more. I went over there and told him to stop, or he'd go to time out. He seemed to sense that he was in trouble, because he stopped... then grinned and threw more magnets. So, wanting to follow through on my threat, I needed to put him in time out. But I hadn't even decided where that was, yet!! I grabbed his little plastic stepstool, put it against the wall, and tried to get him to sit. He kicked and screamed, and would run away as soon as I set him down. I ended up giving up after trying a few times (I know, my bad). Plus, he seemed to be in a better mood.
Anyway... After discussing this with quite a few people, I have decided to try the time out thing again. So yesterday, I bought a little bath math that will officially be the Time Out Rug. And if he needs to go there, I will just keep putting him back there as many times as necessary until he gets the message. It's really the only thing I can think of. A few nights ago, we reached a new low, with him screaming his head off during bath time and yanking Maya's pacifier from her mouth at every possible opportunity. I think he may have been over-tired (he requested "night-night" about 20 minutes before his regular bedtime, which I gladly accomodated), but still... At least we are now prepared with the time out rug, and hopefully it will work quickly and he won't be spending much time there in the future. Wish us luck!
On a happier note... Teagen (the little boy next door) walked Nikos home from daycare the other day. It was the cutest thing ever! He wanted to walk his friend home. So when I went to pick him up, he came along, too (and so did his mom). He even opened the door for us and said goodbye to Nikos like a million times. And Nikos was happy as a clam. Best friends! And, on a completely different topic: Maya slept for 7 hours straight last night!! 11pm to 6am. I don't think her brother did that until we Ferberized at four months. Amazing!
OH... and I nearly forgot: I discovered my first real gray hair on Saturday night!! Coincidence? :P And, despite what the Old Wives' Tales say, I plucked it out. And taped it to the bathroom mirror so I could show Gus. I have proof!
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