Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, this has nothing to do with either kiddo, but it does make me appreciate my home a lot more!

On Friday afternoon, the teacher in the classroom next door to mine asked me if I had noticed any flying bugs swarming in my classroom. Luckily, the answer was no! As soon as school was out, I went to his room to see what he was talking about and, sure enough, he had tons of bugs all over. Yuck!

Fast forward to this morning... I was in my classroom early, doing some packing (moving day is this Friday!). I noticed what appeared to be a dirt clod on the floor, and wondered if I had somehow tracked it in from outside. It looked dry, though, so I nudged it with my shoe. And EW! It crumbled apart, revealing a bunch of TERMITE MAGGOTS! That's when I realized that there were at least four of these little "dirt clods" on the floor. I grabbed my neighbor (I had to show someone!), then quickly got my little vacuum out and sucked them all up. Basically, they were mini termite mounds. And beneath each one was a hole that they had bored up through the floor. Which I still don't fully understand, since we're on concrete slab (maybe there's a crack in it??).

Anyway, that was just downright gross. After vacuuming it all up, I sprayed 409 down the holes (which I know probably won't do anything, but I wanted to feel proactive!) and then put tape over them so I could remember where they were. I told my principal, and she said that the termite problem will be taken care of when they renovate our wing. I'm just so glad this is happening now, when we're about to move. If those suckers start swarming this week, I am DONE! EW!

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