Well, I had an appointment with my OB today, and he officially changed my due date from May 11th to the 7th. Which means I will most likely have a scheduled c-section sometime the week before that. Which therefore means that I have officially lost a week, and that it's time to panic! Ok, not so much. But still, this pregnancy is going at warp speed, and I feel like May is just around the corner. This is such a change from last time, where the weeks seemed to stretch on forever. I guess it helps to work full-time AND have a toddler around!
Speaking of said toddler... I am still mad about his appointment on Monday (the whole "failure to thrive" business). When Gus left the appointment, he also happened to forget Nikos' immunization record and the information sheet they give at all the well-baby appointments (with his stats, etc.). So it arrived in the mail today, promptly causing me to become irritated all over again. For the record, our "failure to thrive" child is now eating two (2) breakfasts-- one at home, one at daycare, gigantic snacks, and all the milk we can get in him. Bonnie, our awesome daycare lady, is aware of the whole situation and is attempting to fatten up the little goose as well. It really upsets me, because I don't want him to have an unhealthy relationship with food or become a kid who expects to eat 24/7 (a "grazer"). We are pretty much just trying this out until March 2nd, when he has his follow-up appointment. I guess we'll see what happens then. Personally, I think that he is a very happy and healthy kid as is, and that he is not "failing to thrive" by any stretch of the imagination. (oh, and for what it's worth, Nikos is the same exact size as an 18-month-old little boy he goes to daycare with-- who is also happy and healthy.)
But back to happier things... Like I said, I had my appointment today, and was measuring at almost 27 weeks (right on target for a May 7th due date). Her heartbeat was strong and fast, probably because I had just chugged the lovely orange-flavored glucose drink for my gestational diabetes test. I should get those results back fairly soon, but am pretty confident that I will pass (since I did last time). I talked with my doctor about getting my tubes tied, which I will most likely do if I have a repeat c-section. And other than that, the appointment was as routine as ever. I got the pre-admission paperwork for the hospital, and scheduled my 30 week appointment for the 25th. Yes, that's only three weeks away. And I will be in the third trimester(!!). Like I said, time is flying... Yikes!
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